Research Group Leader (Jan 2020–Sep 2025)

China in the Global System of Science

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Apr 2024–Okt 2026)

Head of Human Resources

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Mar 2024–Sep 2025)

International Office


Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Sep 2022–Sep 2025)

Xi Jinping's Perspectives on Science and Technology

Postdoctoral Scholar

The Grammars of Solution

Departmental Assistant

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Jan 2024–Dez 2025)

Digital Humanities Scholar (Since Mai 2017)


Knowledge Systems and Collective Life

System Administrator


Special Collections and Institute’s Bibliography

Publications Manager (Feb 2022–Sep 2025)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Nov 2017–Okt 2026)

MPRG Historical EpistemoloScientific Questions Then and Now. / Fragen der Wissenschaft – Damals und Heute.

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Aug 2019–Sep 2025)

Astro-particle Physics 1970s — Early 1980s: Investigating the Patterns and Dynamics of the Emergence Process

AV Specialist (Since Mar 2025)


Copyright Clearance, E-Books, Image Requests

Media Officer

Multimedia Production, Video and Audio Communication

Predoctoral Scholar (Jun 2020–Dez 2025)

Europe’s Research Collaboration with China, 1993-2023: People, Practice and Policy

Predoctoral Scholar

Assessing Certainty without Certainty: On the Use of Technical Tools for Assessing the Methodological Quality of Biomedical Research Data and its Role in the Emergence of Scientific Dissent

Predoctoral Scholar (Okt 2023–Mar 2027)

Women in British and American astronomical fieldwork in the nineteenth century

Postdoctoral Scholar

The Evolution of Culturalism: Laboratories and Legislatures in Illiberal Hungary

Research Scholar

Making Sense of the Environs: Exposure as Epistemic Action

Data Analyst (Dez 2023–Sep 2025)

Departmental Assistant (Jun 2020–Sep 2025)


Data Protection Coordinator (Since Jan 2024)

Digital Humanities Scholar (Since Jan 2002)

Travel Officer

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Jan 2024–Okt 2026)

Head of Library

Senior Research Scholar (Since Jan 2014)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Jun 2023–Sep 2025)

Overseas Development, Foreign Areas and Chinese "World-Writing

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2024–Feb 2028)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Sep 2020–Sep 2025)

The Reforms of the National Science System of China—Global Models and National Interpretations

System Administrator

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Okt 2023–Jan 2026)

Epistemic Everyday Life: A Feminist Analysis of Germany’s Early Modern Printing Business


Emeritus Scientific Member (Since Jul 1995)

Moral and Natural Orders, History of Scientific Data, Cognitive Practices of Science

Postdoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Aug 2025)

Postdoctoral Fellow Abt. III - working group "Proteins and Fibers": "Follow the Thread: Entangled Human Tissues and Animal Fiber"

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Feb 2023–Dez 2028)

The Origin Story at the End of the Universe: On the Problems of Modern Physical Cosmology

Postdoctoral Fellow (Jul 2023–Jun 2025)

Rhône Glacier: A Life in Glaciology

Publications Manager

Travel Officer

Predoctoral Scholar (Nov 2018–Dez 2025)

Definition and division in medieval Latin commentaries on Aristotle’s Historia animalium and De partibus animalium

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Jan 2024–Apr 2025)

Field Allocation Maps in the Popular Ming Dynasty Encyclopedia and their Afterlife


Head of IT

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Feb 2026)

“Usual Suspects” in “Unusual Locations”: Infrastructure, Maintenance, and Expertise in the Late Ottoman Empire (1855–1922)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Jul 2020–Sep 2025)

The Geopolitics of Chinese Arctic Research

Research Officer (Feb 2022–Dez 2027)

Research Officer / Wissenschaftliche Referentin in Abt. III


Head of Finance

Publications Manager (Since Okt 2004)

Head of Purchasing

Predoctoral Fellow (2 Jan–Mai 2025)

Making Danger: Biological Weapons Research, Biosafety, and the Management of Microbial Life, 1940-1990

Research Scholar

Scales of Validity

Postdoctoral Scholar (Jun 2023–Sep 2025)

Popular Science Representations of Artificial Intelligence Research: Investigating the Values of Doing Science in China


Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Dez 2024–Mai 2025)


Interlibrary Loan

Research Scholar

Popularization of Science and Technology in Postwar Italy

Research Scholar

A Sense for Statistics in Modern India: Quantifying Communal Identities and Differences

Publications Manager

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Apr 2022–Mar 2025)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Jul 2020–Sep 2025)

Forging ahead under a Changing Sky: Meteorological Services and Crop Seed Breeding as Climate Change Adaptation in China

Publications Manager


Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2023–Aug 2026)

Cellulosenitrat: Eine Materialgeschichte der Geisteswissenschaften, 1849–1951

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2024–Apr 2028)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Mar 2024–Okt 2026)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Nov 2020–Sep 2025)

Scientific Journals and the Transparency of Research: From 20th Century to Open Science

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Mai 2024–Okt 2026)

Israel's AI's and Energy policies: Different Rationalities?

Postdoctoral Scholar

Ogallala Inc.: Race, Work, and the Making of America’s Red Meat Capital

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Feb 2026)

Ignorance in the Age of Text: “Ignorant” Readers and Their Reading in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain

Research Data Manager

Head of Administration

Research Officer


Library Systems, Digitization, Reference Management

Deputy Head of Communications

Research Communication; Science and Society; Public Outreach

Predoctoral Scholar (Mai 2021–Apr 2025)

Premodern Agricultural Knowledge in New Persian


Postdoctoral Scholar

Archival Dispossessions: Archives, Empire, and the Epistemological Limits of the Nation-State


Postdoctoral Scholar (Nov 2024–Sep 2027)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Feb 2022–Aug 2028)


Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2023–Aug 2026)

Beyond Leaves: Cultivating Knowledge in Books of Hours (1470–1520)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2024–Aug 2027)

Research Coordinator (Since Jan 2025)

IT Researcher

Event Recording, Reference Management, Media Library


Interlibrary Loan

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Sep 2024–Aug 2025)

Charting the Shattered Sea: Maritime Conflicts and East Asian Oceanography in the Twentieth Century

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Feb 2026)

The Politics of Music Capturing. Music Information Retrieval and Ethnomusicological Research, 1900–1970

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Feb 2020–Dez 2025)

The Early History of the Sciences of Earth Systems and Human-Earth Interactions

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Apr 2023–Jun 2026)

Reflections on the Reflex: Conceptual Changes in 20th-century Brain Science

Research Scholar

Apokalypse Frau? Feminismus, Föten und "Fake News"

Postdoctoral Scholar (Sep 2024–Aug 2027)

Facility Management

Research Group Leader (Nov 2018–Okt 2026)

Knowledge Ensouled: Premodern Experience of the Natural World

Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2024–Feb 2028)

Predoctoral Fellow (1 Feb–Jun 2025)

The Hereditarian Roots of Diversity


Central Office

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (1 Jan–Dez 2025)

Facility Management

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2022–Sep 2025)

Open Science in University-Industry Research Collaboration in the EU and China

Research Communicator (Nov 2024–Mar 2029)


Deputy Head of the Library

Acquisitions and Cataloguing

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Jun 2020–Feb 2026)

Epistemologies of craft: The role of material innovation in making colour expertise

Departmental Assistant (Mai 2023–Apr 2025)

Predoctoral Scholar (Aug 2020–Aug 2025)

Taming the Artificial, Ordering the Social: Divergence and Convergence in Emerging AI Governance Regimes in China, Germany/the EU and the US

Research Scholar (Sep 2022–Aug 2025)

Representations of Celestial Maps in the Hellenistic World

Research Group Leader (Apr 2024–Mar 2029)

External Scientific Member (Jun 2020–Mai 2027)


Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Feb 2024–Sep 2025)

For everything in nature goes to infinity: Leibniz's Network and the Introduction of Infinity into Nature

Management Officer

HR Officer


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Okt 2022–Feb 2025)

A history of ‘Making Things’ in West Africa, 1920-1980: creating meaning making and experience

Research Scholar

Communities of Reproductive Knowledge

Senior Research Scholar (Since Sep 2017)

Postdoctoral Scholar

The Photographic Dome of the Yale Clinic of Child Development


Subject Librarian for Chinese Studies

Chinese Library Material

Research Scholar

From the Cell to the Microbiome: Agency, Reactivity, and Incorporation in the History of Biomedicine

System Administrator

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2024–Aug 2027)



Senior Research Fellow (Okt 2024–Feb 2025)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2023–Aug 2026)

Agrochemical Transformations and their Knowledge Resources in Egypt, 1882–1952

Postdoctoral Scholar (Jul 2024–Jun 2027)


Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Feb 2026)

Science before Nature: An Epistemology of Perspectives in the Commentaries of Cuneiform Scholarly Traditions

Postdoctoral Scholar (Jan 2025–Sep 2027)


Predoctoral Scholar (Okt 2023–Mar 2027)

Tracing an Epistemic Genre: Premodern Arabic Recipe Collections as Resources of Knowledge

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Feb 2024–Okt 2026)

Emeritus Scientific Member (Since Apr 2022)

A Phenomenology of the Experiment

Max Planck Sabbatical Award Laureate

Reckoning with Deep Time

Postdoctoral Scholar (Feb 2022–Jun 2025)

Heilkunde oder Philosophie? Die syrische Überlieferung der Medizin zwischen Empirie und Tradition


Director (Since Apr 2013)

Histories of Planning

Postdoctoral Scholar (Jun 2024–Mai 2026)

Rolling the Planets, Moving the Heavens: The Astral Science of Play in Early Modern South Asia

IT Security Officer (Since Jan 2023)

Third Party Funding Officer

HR Officer

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Mar 2024–Aug 2028)

Academic Coordinator (Sep 2021–Aug 2028)

Senior Research Fellow (Mai 2022–Dez 2025)

Transzendente Erfahrungen - Phänomene, Ideen und Urteile


Interlibrary Loan

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2021–Jul 2025)

The Evolution of Visual Language in Early Modern Cosmology

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Sep 2024–Aug 2025)

At Arm’s Lengths: Octopus Consciousness as a Scientific and Legal Artifact

Rathenau Senior Fellow (Feb 2019–Dez 2025)

History of Mathematics and Physics (Nineteenth and Twentieth Century), History of Technology

Publications Manager

Max Planck India Mobility Fellow (Jan 2025–Dez 2027)

An Oral History of Indian Conservation Biology


System Administrator

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Mar 2021–Aug 2028)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Jul 2020–Sep 2025)

The Merton Project: Science and Political Regimes in the 21st Century

Research Program Coordinator (Nov 2023–Okt 2026)

Publications Manager (Mar 2020–Okt 2026)

Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body

Postdoctoral Fellow (Aug 2023–Jul 2025)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2023–Aug 2026)

Contestation of Knowledge in the Collection and Exhibition of Indigenous Objects by Catholic Mission Museums


Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Mar 2020–Sep 2025)

The Coimbra Commentaries' Doctrine of Sense Perception

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Mar 2021–Aug 2028)

Head of Construction / Facilities

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Mar 2020–Aug 2028)


Purchasing Officer

Predoctoral Scholar (Jan 2023–Dez 2025)

The Strange as Knowledge: Collections of the Anomalous and Marvellous within Late-Imperial Leishu (1600-1900)

Research Scholar

The History of Energy Conservation as Agent of Energy Transition


Research Group Leader (Since Okt 1998)

Technology Transfer in Antiquity, Ancient Hydromechanics and Pneumatics, Early modern mechanics, Galileo Galilei, Shipbuilding, Pratolino Garden, Jesuits' Hydraulics, Early Modern Ballistics

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (1 Jan–Jun 2025)

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Sep 2024–Jun 2025)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Aug 2021–Aug 2025)

Global Health and Biomedical Research in the Cold War Era

Predoctoral Fellow (Nov 2024–Feb 2025)

Bridging Environmental Movements with Arts-Based Research

HR Officer

Principal Investigator

Research Group: Data, Media, Mind


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Jul 2023–Sep 2025)

Number Governance: The Institutionalization of Journal Metrics in the Chinese Science Assessment

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Apr 2021–Aug 2028)

Central Office

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Okt 2022–Sep 2025)

Ecologies of Skins

Departmental Assistant

Research Scholar (Since Jan 2000)

Research IT

Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2024–Feb 2025)


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Mai 2023–Sep 2025)

PACIFIC CROSSINGS: The China Foundation and a Negotiated Translation of American Science to China, 1913-1949


Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Sep 2024–Dez 2026)

The Prints and Printing Culture of the Old Uyghurs on the Northern Silk Road

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Nov 2023–Sep 2025)

The Evolution of Social Sciences in China since the late 1970s

Digital Humanities Scholar (Mar 2017–Feb 2028)

IT-Architekt im Projekt Household Encyclopedia

Departmental Assistant (Since Jul 2024)


Predoctoral Scholar (Sep 2022–Mar 2026)

Colorful Encounters: Nature, Science, and Dyes between Europe and China, 1880–1950

Departmental Assistant

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Jan 2024–Sep 2025)

Comparative Study of Mission-Oriented R&D Organizations

Senior Research Scholar, Head of Research Communication and Management

Outreach and Cooperation