- Alle -
Abt. II
Abt. III
Art and Knowledge in Pre–Modern Europe
Between Knowledge and Innovation: The Unequal-Armed Balance
Computational History of Science
Concepts and Modalities: Practical Knowledge Transmission
Constructions of the Brain: The Emergence of the Neurological Adolescent
Dept. Daston
Dept. Renn
Dept. Rheinberger
Digital Humanities
Epistemes of Modern Acoustics
Experimental History of Science
History of the Max Planck Society
IT Support
Lise Meitner Research Group
Max Planck Research Group (ASTRA)
Max Planck Research Group (Premodern Sciences)
Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe (Final Theory Program)
Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space
Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences
Reading & Writing Nature in Early Modern Europe
Research Communication and Management
Research Group (Data, Media, Mind)
The Construction of Norms in 17th to 19th-Century Europe & the United States
Twentieth Century Histories of Knowledge about Human Variation