profile picture of Han Cheng

Han Cheng

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Jun 2023–Sep 2025)

Prof. Dr.

Han Cheng is a Max Weber Foundation research fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and an assistant professor at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge, and was previously a visiting scholar at Yale University’s MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies.

At the MPIWG, Han is a member of the Lise Meitner Research Group "China in the Global System of Science." His current book project examines the recent (re)emergence of China’s development studies and area studies in light of its global "rise". More broadly, his research explores the spatial politics and non-western geographies of knowledge. He has published in Progress in Human GeographyDialogues in Human GeographyPolitical GeographyGeopolitics, Territory, Politics, Governance, and Area Development and Policy and is an editor at Dialogues in Human Geography.


Overseas Development, Foreign Areas and Chinese "World-Writing"


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Selected Publications

Cheng, Han and Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente (2024). “For Conjunctural Geography: From Method to Counter-Hegemonic Practice.” Dialogues in Human Geography 14 (3): 488–493.

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Apostolopoulou, Elia, Han Cheng, Jonathan Silver, and Alan Wiig (2024). “Cities on the New Silk Road: The Global Urban Geographies of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.” Urban Geography 45 (6): 1095–1114.

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Cheng, Han (2023). “Towards a Three-Dimensional Analysis of the BRI.” Global China Pulse 2 (1): 123–125.

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Past Events

Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Temporality and the Geopolitical Enframing of Chinese International Development Thinking. Development and Temporalities, co-organized by M. W.H. Leung and J. Gupta.

European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes General Conference, Lisbon

Disciplinary Geopolitics and the Rise of International Development Studies in China. The Global South and the Return of Geopolitics, organized by Will Hout.

European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes General Conference, Lisbon

Mapping China’s Belt and Road Initiative

10. Bergen Global Guest Lecture, Chr. Michelsen Institute

The Material Geographies and Political Ecologies of Infrastructure-Led Development. Co-organized with E. Apostolopoulou, J. Silver, and A. Wiig.

Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, London

Critical Geoeconomics. (Panel discussion). Co-organized with F. Mallin, J. Sidaway, and C.Y. Woon.

Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, London

The Material Geographies of Global Infrastructure: Socio-Spatial (In)Justice and Uneven Territorial Development. Co-organized with E. Apostolopoulou, N. Kapitsinis, A. Pizarro, J. Silver, and A. Wiig.

International Conference of Critical Geographies, Mexico City

Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia.

Asia Research Institute Seminar Series, National University of Singapore

Migrations and Mobilities along the Belt and Road: Emergent Geographies in Asia and Beyond.

Asia Research Institute Seminar Series, National University of Singapore

Ideational Economic Geographies.

American Association of Geographers Annual Conference