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435 Search Results

Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Science

Engraved Frontispiece to John Palmer Nr 74 How do practitioners—of any form of specialized knowledge—learn technical skills, and how do they find knowledge deemed as solid and secure?
  • Angela N.H. Creager
  • Mathias Grote
  • Elaine Leong
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    Learning by the Book: Handbücher in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte

    Engraved Frontispiece to John Palmer Nr 74 Wie erlernen Praktizierende aller Arten von Spezialwissen ihre Fertigkeiten, und wie finden sie entsprechendes Wissen, das als solide und gesichert gelten kann?
  • Angela N.H. Creager
  • Mathias Grote
  • Elaine Leong
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    “Sound & Science: Digital Histories”: A Database of Materials in the History of Acoustics

    Thumbnail Nr 57 The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) has launched its database “Sound & Science: Digital Histories,” an initiative of the Research Group “Epistemes of Modern Acoustics.” The resource provides unprecedented access to sources in the history of acoustics, including a multimedia archive of primary source material, documentation of surviving technology, and historical reenactments of experiments in acoustics.
  • Joeri Bruyninckx
  • Fanny Gribenski
  • Xiaochang LI
  • Viktoria Tkaczyk
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