black/ white head shot of Pascal Belouin

Pascal Belouin

Research Scholar, IT Architect (Since 2017)

MRes, MSc, MA, BSc

Pascal Belouin studied Software Engineering at the University of La Rochelle, and went on to pursue a Master of Research in Human Computer Interaction at Lancaster University, as well as a Master of Arts in the Social Sciences with the Open University, which he obtained in 2010. He then went on to work in the private sector as well as for the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance, where he led the design and implementation of the MSCAA Item Bank, a large web-based platform which facilitates the collaboration of the Medical Assessment community in the United Kingdom.

Pascal's role at the institute is to design and implement a digital infrastructure that will allow the integration of various academic work on protected digitized historical sources into one working environment.

Pascal's main research interest is the application of various social scientific theories and methods to the elaboration of novel software development methodologies.

Features and Digital Resources


Commoning Biomedicine: Networking Decentralized Collections of Oral Histories


Image Database: Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens


Measuring the Earth: A Digital Repository for the History of Modern Geodesy


RISE and SHINE: Research Infrastructure for the Study of Eurasia


Past Events

Digital Humanities Workshop

Navigating between Political Authorities: Chinese Rockefeller Fellows in Biology and Chemistry and their Career Trajectories, 1949–66

Digital Humanities Workshop

The Crowd: Digital Prosopography of Public Participation in Science

Digital Humanities Workshop

Working with DevonThink: A One-Stop Solution to your Primary Source Mess

Digital Humanities Workshop

Insights into the Data Analysis of the Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG)

Digital Humanities Workshop

Open Access

Digital Humanities Workshop

Virtual Brown Bag Lunch in Digital Humanities: Home Office and Virtual Collaboration

Digital Humanities Workshop

Working with DevonThink: A One-Stop Solution to your Primary Source Mess

Digital Humanities Workshop

Large-scale Information Extraction and its Transformative Effect on Scholarly Practices in the Humanities

Digital Humanities Workshop

All (f)or Nothing? A Historical Network Study in the Making: Neuroscience Journal “Biological Cybernetics” (1961–2005)

Digital Humanities Workshop

From Local Gazetteers Project to Asia Network: Working with Licensed Materials in Digital Humanities


Nachrichten & Presse

MPIWG auf der International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, 1–4. Dezember 2020


"Research Infrastructure for the Study of Eurasia" - Datenbank (RISE) jetzt online
