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Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des MPIWG veröffentlichen zahlreiche Bücher, darunter Monografien, Gruppenarbeiten und Sammelbände. Unsere Arbeitsgruppenbücher, eine institutsspezifische Publikationsform, sind von zwei oder mehr Autorinnen und Autoren verfasste Bände, die aus einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit entstehen.


A Cultural History of Heredity

It was only around 1800 that heredity began to enter debates among physicians, breeders, and naturalists. Soon thereafter it evolved into one of the most fundamental concepts of biology. Here the authors offer a succinct cultural history of the scientific concept of heredity. They outline the dramatic changes the idea has undergone since the early modern period and describe the political and technological developments that brought about these changes.

Edited Book

Differing Routes to Stem Cell Research: Germany and Italy

Stem cells have been in the center of a heated biomedical and biopolitical debate in the first decade of the new millennium. Ethical concerns prevailed. The present volume follows the controversial discussions on stem cells in Italy and Germany, respectively, over the past 15 years. It aims at an assessment of the situation, and its method is comparative.

Working Group Volume

The Globalization of Knowledge in History

This volume presents results of an interdisciplinary research project on the globalization of knowledge. The project is part of the research program of a historical epistemology whose aim is to contribute also to the reflexivity of present science and its institutions. It pursues a comparative history of knowledge in which present processes of globalization are conceived as the outcome of historical developments and their interactions.

Edited Book


Neben dem Begriff des ,embodiment' existieren zahlreiche andere Bedeutungen von ,Verkörperung'. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes diskutieren den Begriff der Verkörperung daher interdisziplinär. Sie reichen von der Neurophysiologie über die Epistemologie bis zur Kunstgeschichte und zu den Literatur- und Theaterwissenschaften.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Artisanal-Scientific Experts in Eighteenth-Century France and Germany

The 18th century was an age of expanding and diversifying state bureaucracies. In France and the German states new administrative departments were founded in order to promote trade and manufacture, as were public institutions to provide technical and scientific education. The essays are based on a workshop held at the Institute in October 2010.

Edited Book

Albert Einstein : Helden ohne Degen

Der Physiker und Nobelpreisträger Albert Einstein (1879–1955) revolutionierte das physikalische Weltbild. Sein Leben und Wirken als engagierter Wissenschaftler stellt dieser reich bebilderte Band in Einzelbeiträgen, so von Jürgen Renn "Einsteins Relativitätsrevolutionen" und mit einem Dokumentenanhang versehen umfassend dar.


Taming Complexity: Duhem’s Third Pathway to Thermodynamics

The present study deals with Duhem's theoretical and meta-theoretical design of a generalised Mechanics based on the principles of Thermodynamics, in the decade between 1886 and 1896, before the transformations experienced by the physical sciences around the turn of the century.


Sulle Spalle di Giganti e Nani

Albert Einstein è da tempo diventato l’icona dello scienziato geniale, colui che vede più lontano degli altri, l’eletto in grado di porre le basi di una rivoluzione scientifica fertile e duratura. La svolta della relatività, iniziata nell’annus mirabilis 1905 e proseguita con la formulazione della teoria della relatività generale nel 1915, offre però moltissimo materiale per indagare più a fondo e in maniera meno ovvia le ragioni e le modalità di un cambiamento tanto epocale nel nostro modo di intendere il mondo.

Edited Book

Genetics and the Unsettled Past : The Collision of DNA, Race, and History

Our genetic markers have come to be regarded as portals to the past. Analysis of these markers is increasingly used to tell the story of human migration; to investigate and judge issues of social membership and kinship; to rewrite history and collective memory; to right past wrongs and to arbitrate legal claims and human rights controversies; and to open new thinking about health and well-being


Theaterhistoriografie : eine Einführung

Als wichtiges Teilgebiet der Theaterwissenschaft hat sich die Theaterhistoriografie in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer Geschichtsschreibung des Theatralen und Performativen erweitert. Diese Einführung vermittelt Bachelorstudierenden ein offenes und weit gefasstes Verständnis von Theaterhistoriografie.


William Petty on the Order of Nature : An Unpublished Manuscript Treatise

Stung by the allegation that his version of the new philosophy tended towards atheism and materialism, Sir William Petty – medic, mathematician, pioneering political economist, intellectual entrepreneur, and Fellow of the Royal Society – set out to compose a treatise vindicating his philosophical piety


Charlatanes: Crónicas de Remedios Incurables

¡Señores, pasen y vean en este libro al gran Doctor Meraulyock extrayendo una muela mientras, para distraer al paciente o tapar sus gritos, dispara con su pistola, el broche de la capa de Yocasta con que se sacó Edipo los ojos, una fotografía del alma humana tomada al microscopio!

Edited Book

Los Secretos de Barba Azul: Fantasías y Realidades de los Archivos del Museo de La Plata

El libro recopila los resultados del proyecto di digitalización, microfilmación y catalogación realizado con parte de los fondos del Archivo Histórico y Fotográfico del Museo de La Plata gracias a un subsidio "Archivos en peligro" de la British Library.



L'objectivité a une histoire, et celle-ci se révèle pleine de surprises. Lorraine Daston et Peter Galison retracent dans cette somme l'émergence de l'objectivité dans les sciences au milieu du XIXe siècle et montrent comment ce concept se distingue de deux vertus concurrentes la vérité d'après nature et le jugement exercé.


Chinese Architecture and Metaphor: Song Culture in the Yingzao Fashi Building Manual

Investigating the historical tradition of Chinese architectural writing from antiquity to the twelfth century, Chinese Architecture and Metaphor reveals significant and fascinating social and cultural phenomena in the most important primary text for the study of the Chinese building tradition.

Edited Book

Kernforschung in Österreich: Wandlungen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes 1900-1978

Der Band bietet ein breites Spektrum wissenschaftshistorischer Analysen zur österreichischen Radioaktivitäts- und Kernforschung. Österreich bildete im internationalen Netzwerk der Radioaktivitäts- und späteren Kernforschung einen bedeutenden Knotenpunkt.


Medicine, Life and Function: Experimental Strategies and Medical Modernity at the Intersection of Pathology and Physiology

This book brings together a number of thoughts and observations on the history of experimental physiology, as it has emerged since the late eighteenth century. Previously unused archival material and then unexplored themes are brought together and further investigated for the first time.


Neuromythologie: eine Streitschrift gegen die Deutungsmacht der Hirnforschung

Alle machen Hirnforschung. Kaum eine Wissenschaftsdisziplin kann sich wehren, mit dem Vorsatz »Neuro-« zwangsmodernisiert und mit der Aura vermeintlicher experimenteller Beweisbarkeit veredelt zu werden. Die Kinder der Neuroinflation heißen Neurotheologie, Neuroökonomie, Neurorecht oder Neuroästhetik.


What did the Romans know? An Inquiry into Science and Worldmaking

What did the Romans know about their world? Quite a lot, as Daryn Lehoux makes clear in this fascinating and much-needed contribution to the history and philosophy of ancient science. Lehoux draws upon a wide range of sources from what is unquestionably the most prolific period of ancient science, from the first century BC to the second century AD.


The Equilibrium Controversy: Guidobaldo del Monte’s Critical Notes on the Mechanics of Jordanus and Benedetti and their Historical and Conceptual Background

This study, the second volume of the series "Sources" of the "Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge," reviews a historical discussion about the question of whether a balance in equilibrium, after having been deflected, returns to its original position.