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Artikel in der PuRe-Bibliographie

Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler am Institut veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse in Aufsätzen, von denen einige Zeitschriftenartikel frei zugänglich sind

Baark, Erik (2024). “‘New Quality Productive Forces’ to Revamp Economy: Can China Succeed?” ThinkChina, April 24, 2024.

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Wietecha, Tracy (2024). “Losing Foreignness: Johann Sigismund Elsholtz on the Meaning of Plants in the Pleasure Gardens of Berlin.” Notes and Records, February 28, 2024.

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Schüßler, Lotte (2024). “Distance Education During a Paper Shortage: Wartime Economics, Efficiency, and the Nazi Humanities at the Front.” Journal for the History of Knowledge 5.

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Sun, Yifei and Erik Baark (2024). “Missing Transformational Place Leadership-Why High-Tech Industries are not Developed in Hong Kong.” Regional Economic Development Research 5 (1): 17–31.

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Baark, Erik (2024). “China’s Digital Silk Road: Innovation in a New Geopolitical Environment.” East Asian Policy 16 (1): 25–38.

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Luo, Zhifan, Xiao Yang, and Muyang Li (2024). “Breaking Borders, Bridging Fields: Unveiling the Transculturality of Anti-Asian Racism in a Global Context.” Sociological Inquiry 94 (2): 319–329.

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Kaye, Aleksandra (2024). “Piecing together ‘Big Pictures’ with Social Network Analysis and Digital Tools.” BJHS Themes, April 11, 2024.

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Yang, Yulei (2024). “From China to Korea: Kim Suhong’s Cheonha gogeum daechong pyeollam do.” In Remapping the World in East Asia: Toward a Global History of the “Ricci Maps”, ed. M. Cams and E. Papelitzky, 188–205. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

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Germanese, Donatella (2024). “Atoms for Peace: Convincing the World of the Goodness of Atomic Energy.” In Transform! Designing the Future of Energy, ed. M. Kries and J. Eisenbrand, 156–165. Weil am Rhein: Vitra Design Museum.

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Lazaroff-Puck, Cameron (2024). “Empire-Laden Theory: The Technological and Colonial Roots of Maxwell’s Theories of Electromagnetism.” Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 54 (1): 42–83.

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Kannan, Thamarai Selvan (2023). “Skin and Sound: Caring for and Crafting Bovine Hide in South India.” Technology and Culture 64 (4): 1121–1139.

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Novick, Tamar (2023). “On the Cover: Speculations with Vaginal Specula.” Technology and Culture 64 (4): 1019–1026.

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Beech, Lucy and Tamar Novick (2023). “Sex Panic and the Productive Infertility of the Freemartin.” Technology and Culture 64 (4): 1071–1092.

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Novick, Tamar, ed. (2023). Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies. Special issue, Technology and Culture 64 (4). Johns Hopkins University Press.

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Johnson, Benjamin (2024). “The Closed Carbon Cycle: In a Managed, Stable Anthropocene.” The Anthropocene Review, February 13, 2024.

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Geller, Markham J., ed. (2024). Commentaries from Babylon to Byzantinum: Gleanings from the MPWIG. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte : Preprint 516. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

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Jost, Jürgen, Roberto Lalli, Manfred Dietrich Laubichler, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Renn, Guillermo Restrepo, Peter Stadler, and Dirk Wintergrün (2023). “Computational History: Challenges and Opportunities of Formal Approaches.” Journal of Social Computing 4 (3): 232–242.

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Baark, Erik (2024). “China Has Reasons to Smile about the COP28 Climate Summit.” ThinkChina, January 15, 2024.

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Mastorakou, Stamatina (2024). “Ancient Globes of Larissa.” Globe Studies 68 (2023): 115–126.

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Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Leonardo come ‘maschera’ e come simbolo in Julian Schwinger e Jagdish Mehra.” Achademia Leonardi Vinci 3 (3): 155–168. .

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