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Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des MPIWG veröffentlichen zahlreiche Bücher, darunter Monografien, Gruppenarbeiten und Sammelbände. Unsere Arbeitsgruppenbücher, eine institutsspezifische Publikationsform, sind von zwei oder mehr Autorinnen und Autoren verfasste Bände, die aus einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit entstehen.


Le Graveur et le Philosophe : Albert Flocon Rencontre Gaston Bachelard

La rencontre entre le graveur sur cuivre Albert Flocon et le philosophe de la science Gaston Bachelard reste peu connue du public. Sous la forme d’une double biographie, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger parvient à composer une histoire intellectuelle lucide tout en présentant une fascinante lecture illustrée des cuivres d’Albert Flocon.


Building the General Relativity & Gravitation Community during the Cold War

This monograph presents a new perspective on the history of general relativity. It outlines the attempts to establish an institutional framework for the promotion of the field during the Cold War. Readers will learn the difficulties that key figures experienced and overcame during this period of global conflict.


Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject

Being Brains offers a critical exploration of one of the most influential and pervasive contemporary beliefs: “We are our brains.” Starting in the “Decade of the Brain” of the 1990s, “neurocentrism” became widespread in most Western and many non-Western societies. Formidable advances, especially in neuroimaging, have bolstered this “neurocentrism” in the eyes of the public and political authorities, helping to justify increased funding for the brain sciences.


One Hundred Years of Pressure : Hydrostatics from Stevin to Newton

This monograph investigates the development of hydrostatics as a science. In the process, it sheds new light on the nature of science and its origins in the Scientific Revolution. Readers will come to see that the history of hydrostatics reveals subtle ways in which the science of the seventeenth century differed from previous periods.

Edited Book

The Nature State: Rethinking the History of Conservation

This volume brings together case studies from around the globe to explore the history of nature conservation in the twentieth century. It seeks to highlight the state, a central actor in these efforts, which is often taken for granted, and establishes a novel concept – the nature state – as a means for exploring the historical formation of that portion of the state dedicated to managing and protecting nature.


Du Rhin à la Manche : Frontières et Relations Franco-Allemandes au XXe Siècle

Où est la frontière entre la France et l'Allemagne? En 1919, le traité de Versailles apporte une réponse provisoire, car dans l'entre-deux-guerres, des savants allemands légitiment des stratégies d’annexion en définissant le «sol ethnique et culturel allemand». À l'heure de la reconstruction des murs, de l'éloge bien-pensant des fronières, il faut revenir sur ce que fut la frontière entre la France et l'Allemagne au XXe siècle: un horizon à dépasser.

Working Group Volume

Before Copernicus: the Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century

In 1984, Noel Swerdlow and Otto Neugebauer argued that Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) explained planetary motion by using mathematical devices and astronomical models originally developed by Islamic astronomers in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Was this a parallel development, or did Copernicus somehow learn of the work of his predecessors, and if so, how?

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

The Renaissance of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation

On November 25th 1915, Albert Einstein submitted to the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences the last of a series of papers that contained the final and fundamental equation of his theory of gravitation, which he called General Relativity (Einstein 1915, 1916). This equation contains the field-theoretic law according to which the energy-momentum distribution of matter sources acts on and reacts to the gravitational field.


Naufragi di Terra e di Mare : da Leonardo da Vinci a Theodor Mommsen alla Ricerca dei Codici Albani ; Edizione del Manoscritto XIII.F.25, cc. 129-136 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

Il volume ricostruisce la storia di alcuni manoscritti un tempo conservati a Roma e a Urbino nelle biblioteche della famiglia Albani. Dispersi in gran parte tra la fine del XVIII e la seconda metà del XIX secolo, quei codici facevano parte di una tra le più preziose collezioni private europee.


Los Ingenieros de Franco: Ciencia, Catolicismo y Guerra Fría en el Estado Franquista

De este estudio surge un panorama distinto al habitual de los años difíciles de la autarquía: un panorama en que la investigación científica y técnica aparece, no como una simple herramienta del poder, sino como «un elemento constituyente que dotó de contenido al régimen».


LEMCO: ein Koloss der Fleischindustrie in Fray Bentos, Uruguay

LEMCO stand zu seiner Zeit für vielseitige Innovationen nicht nur auf dem technologischen Gebiet der Fleischverarbeitung, sondern auch in unternehmerischer und organisatorischer Hinsicht. Der völlig neue Ansatz des vorliegenden Beitrags geht auf bisher noch unbekannte und sehr aufschlussreiche Aspekte über die Art und Weise ein, wie das Projekt damals auf den Weg gebracht wurde.

Working Group Volume

Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures

Archives bring to mind rooms filled with old papers and dusty artifacts. But for scientists, the detritus of the past can be a treasure trove of material vital to present and future research: fossils collected by geologists; data banks assembled by geneticists; weather diaries trawled by climate scientists; libraries visited by historians.

Edited Book

The Structures of Practical Knowledge

'The Structures of Practical Knowledge' investigates the nature of practical knowledge – why, how, when and by whom it is codified, and once codified, how this knowledge is structured. The inquiry unfolds in a series of fifteen case studies, which range in focus from early modern Italy to eighteenth century China.


Bilder des Vergangenen: Visualisierung in der Archäologie im 19. Jahrhundert - Fotografie, Zeichnung und Abguss

Anhand der Grabung des Deutschen Reiches im griechischen Olympia (1875–1881) und weiterer Beispiele aus der deutschen und europäischen Archäologie entfaltet das Buch eine Fülle von Darstellungsformen, die in den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Wissensbildung – von der Ausgrabung bis hin zu späteren Rezeptionsformen – eingesetzt worden sind.

Edited Book

Setting Nutritional Standards: Theory, Policies, Practices

The book brings together authors from a variety of disciplines to explore perspectives on the theory, practices, and policies of modern nutrition science from the 1860s to the 1960s. The essays place the new science of nutrition within the changing social landscapes of Western Europe and the United States at the intersection of medicine, policy, social reform agendas, and public health initiatives.

Edited Book

Ressourcenmobilisierung: Wissenschaftspolitik und Forschungspraxis im NS-Herrschaftssystem

In welchen Dimensionen wurden zwischen 1933 und 1945 Ressourcen für die Forschung mobilisiert? Diese zentrale Frage des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaften und Politik im Nationalsozialismus wird für ein breites Spektrum an wissenschaftlichen Einzeldisziplinen thematisiert.


The Age of Electroacoustics: Transforming Science and Sound

The transformation of acoustics into electro-acoustics, a field at the intersection of science and technology, guided by electrical engineering, industry, and the military.


La colonisation du savoir: une histoire des plantes médicinales du "Nouveau Monde" (1492-1750)

Tabac, coca, quinquina, cacao, gaiac, peyotl, poisons, abortifs... De 1492 au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, les Européens s’approprient en Amérique d’innombrables plantes médicinales. Au moyen d’expéditions scientifiques et d’interrogatoires, ils collectent le savoir des Indiens ou des esclaves pour marchander des drogues, et élaborent avec elles les premières politiques de santé.


The Dancing Bees: Karl von Frisch and the Discovery of the Honeybee Language

We think of bees as being among the busiest workers in the garden, admiring them for their productivity. But amid their buzzing, they are also great communicators—and unusual dancers. As Karl von Frisch (1886–1982) discovered during World War II, bees communicate the location of food sources to each other through complex circle and waggle dances.


Le Mathématicien Renaissant et son Savoir : Le Statut des Mathématiques Selon Oronce Fine

Cet ouvrage présente la philosophie des mathématiques d’Oronce Fine, premier lecteur royal de mathématiques, et ses contributions à la réévaluation du statut institutionnel et épistémologique des mathématiques dans l’horizon académique français du xvie siècle.