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Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des MPIWG veröffentlichen zahlreiche Bücher, darunter Monografien, Gruppenarbeiten und Sammelbände. Unsere Arbeitsgruppenbücher, eine institutsspezifische Publikationsform, sind von zwei oder mehr Autorinnen und Autoren verfasste Bände, die aus einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit entstehen.

Edited Book

Threads of Global Desire: Silk in the Pre-Modern World

Threads of Global Desire is the first attempt at considering a global history of silk in the pre-modern era. The book examines the role of silk production and use in various cultures and its relation to everyday and regulatory practices. It considers silk as a major force of cross cultural interaction through technological exchange and trade in finished and semi-finished goods.


The Religious Polemics of the Muslims of Late Medieval Christian Iberia: Identity and Religious Authority in Mudejar Islam

Commonly portrayed as communities in cultural and religious decay, Mònica Colominas convincingly proves that the discourses against the Christians and the Jews in Mudejar treatises provided authoritative frameworks of Islamic normativity which helped to legitimize the residence of their communities in the Christian territories.


Theory, Practice, and Nature In-between: Antonio Vallisneri's "Primi Itineris Specimen"

In the summer of 1704, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730), the preeminent Italian physician and natural philosopher of his time, traveled with a “daring soul” and “trembling feet” across the “silent horrors” of the northern Apennines: down the hills south of Reggio Emilia to northern Tuscany and the western edge of his native land, the Province of Garfagnana.


Experimentalität : Hans-Jörg Rheinberger im Gespräch über Labor, Atelier und Archiv

In ausführlichen Interviews spricht der Wissenschaftshistoriker über den Menschen und seine Gene, über das Schreiben des Historikers, über Derrida im Labor und wie das genau ist mit der Neugier in der Wissenschaft. Welche Rolle spielen Planung und Zufall in der Forschungsarbeit, wie verhält es sich mit Leidenschaft und Glücksempfinden? Und warum ist ausgerechnet das Geheimnis das schönste Motiv für Forschung?

Edited Book

Das Andere und das Selbst: Perspektiven diesseits und jenseits der Kulturgeschichte; Doris Kaufmann zum 65. Geburtstag

Der vorliegende Band ist einer der herausragenden Historikerinnen der Gegenwart gewidmet: Doris Kaufmann, die 2018 ihren 65. Geburtstag feiert. Sowohl als Forscherin, als auch als Universitätslehrerin ist sie weit mehr als „nur“ eine Kulturhistorikerin.

Edited Book

Compound Histories: Materials, Governance, and Production, 1760-1840

This book offers a new view of the period during which Europe took on its modern character and globally dominant position. By exploring the intertwined realms of production, governance and materials, it places chemists and chemistry at the center of processes most closely identified with the construction of the modern world.


Sibling Action: the Genealogical Structure of Modernity

The sibling stands out as a ubiquitous—yet unacknowledged—conceptual touchstone across the European long nineteenth century. Beginning in the late eighteenth century, Europeans embarked on a new way of classifying the world, devising genealogies that determined degrees of relatedness by tracing heritage through common ancestry.


The Gene: From Genetics to Postgenomics

Few concepts played a more important role in twentieth-century life sciences than that of the gene. Yet at this moment, the field of genetics is undergoing radical conceptual transformation, and some scientists are questioning the very usefulness of the concept of the gene, arguing instead for more systemic perspectives.


Die Verwechslung der Welten: Auferstehung, Reich Gottes und Jenseitserfahrungen

Die Vorstellung der Auferstehung des physischen Körpers und des ewigen Fortlebens mit diesem Körper in einem zukünftigen paradiesischen Reich Gottes auf Erden gehört zu den rätselhaftesten religiösen Ideen. Sie widerspricht gänzlich unserem Wissen von der Vergänglichkeit aller Dinge dieses Kosmos. Nach der Hypothese des Autors liegen dieser Idee bestimmte Formen von Jenseitserfahrungen zugrunde, wie sie beispielsweise von Menschen mit Nahtoderfahrungen häufig berichtet werden.


Historicidade e Objetividade

Nesta coletânea, os leitores terão a oportunidade de encontrar pela primeira vez traduzidos no Brasil os artigos da historiadora das ciências Lorraine Daston sobre a objetividade nas ciências. De longa data a autora tem tratado deste tema. Um dos pilares da ciência moderna, a objetividade científica foi considerada eterna e pouco problematizada por historiadores, uma vez que se pressupôs que o assunto estaria recortado dentro de uma Epistemologia eminentemente a-histórica.


Systèmes expérimentaux et choses épistémiques

En quelques années, ce livre s'est imposé parmi les classiques de l'histoire des sciences. L'étude repose sur une description des dispositifs matériels que les scientifiques du xxe siècle appellent « systèmes expérimentaux ». À partir de ce concept, l’ouvrage établit une épistémologie de l'expérimentation moderne.


Algebra in Cuneiform: Introduction to an Old Babylonian Geometrical Technique

This textbook analyzes a number of texts in “conformal translation,” that is, a translation in which the same Babylonian term is always translated in the same way and, more importantly, in which different terms are always translated differently. Appendixes are provided for readers who are familiar with basic Assyriology but otherwise philological details are avoided.

Edited Book

Henri Ellenberger: Ethno-psychiatrie

L’«Ethno-psychiatrie» d’Henri Ellenberger est la première synthèse de langue française sur cette discipline hybride située entre psychiatrie et ethnologie, qui s’est développée après-guerre à la fin des empires coloniaux et qui a connu un succès foudroyant ces dernières décennies. Ce corpus présente un grand intérêt du point de vue de l’histoire des sciences humaines et sociales.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Data Histories

The history of data brings together topics and themes from a variety of perspectives in history of science: histories of the material culture of information and of computing, the history of politics on individual and global scales, gender and women’s history, as well as the histories of many individual disciplines, to name just a few of the areas covered by essays in this volume.

Working Group Volume

One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences

Taking the horrific events that took place at Ypres in 1915 as its point of departure, this volume traces the development of chemical weapons from their first use as weapons of mass destruction by German troops in Belgium to their deployment in Syria in the summer of 2013. The book has emerged from a conference commemorating the centenary of the events at Ypres, held at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin.

Edited Book

A Companion to Critical and Cultural Theory

Featuring original essays from an international team of cultural theorists, the volume offers fresh and compelling perspectives and sketches out exciting new areas of theoretical inquiry. The coverage is thoughtfully organized into two sections: lineages and problematics.


El Camino Hacia la Relatividad

This richly annotated facsimile edition of “The Foundation of General Relativity” introduces a new generation of readers to Albert Einstein’s theory of gravitation.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology

In a bid to advance the history of science and technology as a discipline in China and to enhance the international influence of the Chinese academic community, the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences (IHNS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Science Press, in collaboration with and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), have inaugurated the English journal Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology (CAHST), the first issue of which has been officially published by Science Press. The first issue focuses on ancient Chinese history and brings together archaeological studies with the study of ancient texts. For future issues, the thematic scope will be widened substantially and also include papers on subjects pertaining to later history.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Testing Drugs and Trying Cures

Practices of testing drugs and trying cures were clearly central to premodern medicine. As the present articles demonstrate, a wide range of actors conducted a variety of practices in order to assess drug efficacy; determine the virtues of plants, animals, and minerals; ascertain the composition of compound drugs; tweak production and application methods; and much more.


The Formative Years of Relativity: the History and Meaning of Einstein’s Princeton Lectures

First published in 1922 and based on lectures delivered in May 1921, Albert Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity offered an overview and explanation of the then new and controversial theory of relativity. The work would go on to become a monumental classic, printed in numerous editions and translations worldwide. Now, The Formative Years of Relativity introduces Einstein’s masterpiece to new audiences.