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Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des MPIWG veröffentlichen zahlreiche Bücher, darunter Monografien, Gruppenarbeiten und Sammelbände. Unsere Arbeitsgruppenbücher, eine institutsspezifische Publikationsform, sind von zwei oder mehr Autorinnen und Autoren verfasste Bände, die aus einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit entstehen.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Science Diplomacy on Display: Mobile Atomic Exhibitions in the Cold War

Despite the increasing interest in science exhibitions, there has been hardly any work on mobile science exhibitions and their role within science diplomacy – a gap this thematic issue is meant to fill.


In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions

Animals play crucial roles in Buddhist thought and practice. However, many symbolically or culturally significant animals found in India, where Buddhism originated, do not inhabit China, to which Buddhism spread in the medieval period.

Edited Book

Between Leibniz, Newton, and Kant: Philosophy and Science in the Eighteenth Century

This extended new edition offers a multifaceted insight into a period of intellectual history in the West in which the balance between speculative theories and experiential science was reset.


Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate

In the last 350-odd years, the international “scientific community” has come to be the bastion of consensus and concerted action, especially in the face of two global crises: disastrous climate change, and a deadly pandemic. How did “the scientific community” come into existence, and why does it work?


Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft im Prozess der deutschen Vereinigung 1989–2002: eine politische Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Mitchell G. Ash analysiert die Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft im Prozess der deutschen Vereinigung als Beispiel des Zusammenspiels von Wissenschaft und Politik als Ressourcen füreinander in politischen Umbruchzeiten.


Milk and Honey: Technologies of Plenty in the Making of a Holy Land

An innovative historical analysis of the intersection of religion and technology in making the modern state, focusing on bodily production and reproduction across the human-animal divide.

Working Group Volume

Ownership of Knowledge: Beyond Intellectual Property

A framework for knowledge ownership that challenges the mechanisms of inequality in modern society

Edited Book

Geld und Gewinn: zur Erweiterung monetär-ökonomischer Logiken

Die etablierten Wirtschaftswissenschaften übersetzen Gewinne jeglicher Art vollkommen selbstverständlich in monetäre Renten. Dabei weitet sich der Anwendungsbereich dieses Zugangs stetig aus, wie etwa Care-Arbeit und Umweltökonomik zeigen.

Edited Book

30 Jahre Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: eine Chronik

Im April 2023 beging die Leibniz-Sozietät – gegründet 1993 als Leibniz-Sozietät e. V. und seit 2007 Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. – ihr 30-jähriges Jubiläum. Diesem Jahrestag ist die vorliegende Chronik gewidmet, denn er bietet Anlass für eine Rückschau sowie eine Zusammenstellung erbrachter Leistungen.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Making Animal Materials in Time

This special issue, “Making Animal Materials in Time,” delves into the history of animal materials used in craft and scientific endeavors since the eighteenth century.


Sanctorius Sanctorius and the Origins of Health Measurement

This open access book offers new insights into the Venetian physician Sanctorius Sanctorius (1561–1636) and into the origins of quantification in medicine.


Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science & Politics, 1859–1955

Tuning the World tells the unknown story of how the musical pitch A 440 became the global norm.


Split and Splice: A Phenomenology of Experimentation

The experiment has long been seen as a test bed for theory, but in Split and Splice, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger makes the case, instead, for treating experimentation as a creative practice. His latest book provides an innovative look at the experimental protocols and connections that have made the life sciences so productive.

Working Group Volume

Plurilingualism in Traditional Eurasian Scholarship: Thinking in Many Tongues

Was plurilingualism the exception or the norm in traditional Eurasian scholarship? This volume presents a selection of primary sources—in many cases translated into English for the first time—with introductions that provide fascinating historical materials for challenging notions of the ways in which traditional Eurasian scholars dealt with plurilingualism and monolingualism.


Wissenschaft und Diplomatie: die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft im Feld der internationalen Politik (1945–2000)

Wissenschaftsdiplomatie gilt neuerdings als Hoffnungsträger in der Bewältigung der globalen Herausforderungen der internationalen Politik. Zugleich rückt das Zusammenspiel von Wissenschaft und Diplomatie während des Kalten Krieges in den Fokus der Wissenschaftsgeschichte.


Der Traum von der Einheit der Wissenschaft: Verleihung des Gerda Henkel Preises 2020

In ihrer Preisrede anlässlich der Verleihung des Gerda Henkel Preises sprach die Wissenschaftshistorikerin Lorraine Daston über den »Traum von der Einheit der Wissenschaft«.

Working Group Volume

Moving Crops and the Scales of History

A bold redefinition of historical inquiry based on the “cropscape”—the people, creatures, technologies, ideas, and places that surround a crop


Colours on East Asian Maps: Their Use and Materiality in China, Japan and Korea between the Mid-17th and Early 20th Century

With a multi-perspective approach and transdisciplinary methods (humanities and sciences), this book offers an in-depth and systematic study of hand-drawn and hand-coloured maps from East Asia.


Underground Mathematics: Craft Culture and Knowledge Production in Early Modern Europe

Thomas Morel tells the story of subterranean geometry, a forgotten discipline that developed in the silver mines of early modern Europe. Mining and metallurgy were of great significance to the rulers of early modern Europe, required for the silver bullion that fuelled warfare and numerous other uses.


Thinking with Sound: A New Program in the Sciences and Humanities around 1900

When the outside world is silent, all sorts of sounds often come to mind: inner voices, snippets of past conversations, imaginary debates, beloved and unloved melodies. What should we make of such sonic companions? Thinking with Sound investigates a period when these and other newly perceived aural phenomena prompted a far-reaching debate.