
Sascha Freyberg

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Jan 2023-Dez 2024)

Doctoral candidate at Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg Research Fellow at Ca' Foscari Università Venezia in the ERC-project Early Modern Cosmology Editorial Manager for Verum Factum: Studies and Sources on Political Epistemology (EOA book series).

Sascha Freyberg studied cultural sciences in Hagen and philosophy in Berlin. He has been a research fellow at Ca’ Foscari Università Venezia and at the Critical AI Studies (KIM) group at HfG Karlsruhe. At the MPIWG, he participated in the projects Historical Epistemology of Space, The Split of Scientific Rationality, and Crisis of Humankind and Scientific Truth (on the Starnberg institute). He is currently collaborating with Ohad Parnes and Katja Krause on “The Enlightenment Project: Dialogues with Ernst Cassirer,” editing the papers of Yehuda Elkana and John Michael Krois.

Sascha is a member of the editorial collective of Verum Factum: Studies and Sources on Political Epistemology and of the open-access journal Marxism & Sciences. His research addresses the philosophy and history of science and culture, in particular critical theory of technology, historical epistemology of abstraction, and open science.



Crisis of Humankind and Scientific Truth: Reflection on Science at the Starnberg Max Planck Institute (1970–1980)


Historical Epistemology of Abstraction


The Water City: The Political Epistemology of Hydrogeological Praxis


Theories of Knowledge in the Twentieth Century: the “Split of Scientific Rationality”


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Selected Publications

Freyberg, Sascha and Helmut Hauser (2023). “The Morphological Paradigm in Robotics.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 100: 1–11.

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Freyberg, Sascha and Pietro Daniel Omodeo (2023). “Die Copernicanische Revolution als Geschichtszeichen: zur Entstehung der Transformationskosmologie.” In Kosmos: Vom Umgang mit der Welt zwischen Ausdruck und Ordnung, ed. P. König and O. Schlaudt,…

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Müller, Ralf, Ralf Becker, Sascha Freyberg, Thomas Reinhardt, Muriel van Vliet, and Matthias Wunsch, eds. (2022). Morphologie als Paradigma in den Wissenschaften. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie: Beihefte 3. Stuttgart: frommann-holzboog.

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Freyberg, Sascha and Lukas Meisner (2022). “Back from the Future. Review of: Chukhrov, Kethi: Practising the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism. Minneapolis: eflux/University of Minnesota Press 2020.” Radical Philosophy 2 (12): 86–90…

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Past Events


Breaking Models: Data Governance and New Metrics of Knowledge in the Time of the Pandemic


Nach Cassirer. Das Erkenntnisideal der Biologie und seine Wandlungen bis heute


Nachrichten & Presse

Call for Papers für den interdisziplinären Workshop „Breaking Models“ (24. September 2021)
