Jing Zeng portraited in a garden

Jing Zeng

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Aug 2021-Dez 2023)


Jing Zeng is a senior research and teaching associate at the Department of Media and Communication Research at the University of Zurich. She received her MSc in Social Science of the Internet from University of Oxford, and obtained her PhD in Media and Communications from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. In 2018 Jing joined the Leibniz Institute for Media Research as a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Algorithmic public sphere project team. Currently, Jing teaches and researches digital technologies and their social implications at the University of Zurich. Her research interests include science communication, digital technologies, and platform studies. Jing’s latest project investigates AI imaginaries in the US, Europe, and China. During her research stay at the MPIWG, she will work closely with Lise Meitner Research Group to research the development and governance of AI in the Chinese context.


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China's Artificial Intelligence Imaginaries and Policy Development


Selected Publications

Zeng, Jing, Chung-hong Chan, and Mike S. Schäfer (2022). “Contested Chinese Dreams of AI? Public Discourse About Artificial Intelligence on Wechat and People’s Daily Online.” Information, Communication & Society 25 (3): 319–340. https://doi.org…

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Zeng, Jing and Chung-hong Chan (2021). “A Cross-National Diagnosis of Infodemics: Comparing the Topical and Temporal Features of Misinformation Around COVID-19 in China, India, The Us, Germany and France.” Online Information Review 45 (4): 709–728…

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Zeng, Jing, Mike S. Schäfer , and Joachim Allgaier (2020). “Reposting ‘Till Albert Einstein is TikTok Famous’: The Memetic Construction of Science on TikTok.” International Journal of Communication, December 8, 2020. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io…

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Zeng, Jing (2020). “#MeToo as Connective Action: A Study Of the Anti-Sexual Violence and Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign on Chinese Social Media in 2018.” Journalism Practice 14 (2): 171–190. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2019.1706622.

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Past Events

Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Going to the Dark Side: Investigating Conspiracy Theories around COVID-19 on Dark Platforms

ICA 71th Conference

Keynote: Contested Chinese Dreams of AI

Berggruen Center at Peking University & the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge (CFI)

Prevalence, Activity and Impact of Social Bots in Twitter Communication about Conspiracy Theories

AoIR Conference 2019

The Impact of the Social Credit System in China on non-Chinese Societies

University of Oldenburg, Germany 

Big Data, big Surveillance: China’s Social Credit System

IT University, Denmark