Oct 20, 2021
China’s Regime of Data
- 14:30 to 16:00
- Research Workshop
- Lise Meitner Research Group
- Jing Zeng
The presentation introduces the concept of regime of data, which can serve as a framework to discuss power contestations around digital data in China. Through reviewing the country’s digital landscape, as well as policies governing private sectors’ data harnessing practices, the presenter aims to delineate the changing dynamics between the party-state and the tech industry.
Contact and Registration
For further information about the LMRG Research Workshop series, specific session or registration (a limited number of places are available), please contact Dieu Linh Bui Dao.
About This Series
The LMRG Research Workshop is a venue for members of the Lise Meitner Research Group, "China in the Global System of Science," to share work in progress on an ongoing basis. It is an opportunity to raise questions, discuss methodological challenges, or get feedback on preliminary conclusions. We aim to create a supportive atmosphere that combines rigorous criticism with genuine curiosity.