Annina Sofia Lattu
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2022–Sep 2025)
Annina Lattu is a Visiting Predoctoral Fellow at the Lise Meitner Research Group "China in the Global System of Science," led by Dr. Anna L. Ahlers. She is also a Doctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Management and Business at the Tampere University (Finland) and a Doctoral Candidate at the Graduate School of Education at Peking University (People’s Republic of China).
Annina researches open science practices in university-industry research collaboration in Finland and China. In addition, her research interests include universities’ role in sustainability transition and academic capitalism.
She is the winner of the Open Science Promoter Award 2022 from Tampere University and is actively involved in Finland’s “National Open Science and Research Coordination” expert panel, providing policy advice based on her research. Annina was granted the Hailiang Scholarship (海亮奖学⾦) and an outstanding student honor (学习优秀奖) for the academic year 2020-2021 in Peking University.
Annina has a master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from Aalto University’s Creative Sustainability Master’s Programme and bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from Turku School of Economics. As an entrepreneur, she has consulted various projects related to sustainability, fashion, and culture since 2013. From 2016–2018 Annina worked as an analyst and business developer at the Helsinki-based science communication agency Kaskas Media.
Open Science in University-Industry Research Collaboration in the EU and China
Selected Publications
Lattu, Annina Sofia and Yuzhuo Cai (2023). “Institutional Logics in the Open Science Practices of University–Industry Research Collaboration.” Science and Public Policy 50 (5): 905–916. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scad037.
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Lattu, Annina Sofia (2023). Open Science in China: An Open or Closed Case? Observations 13. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. https://doi.org/10.17617/2.3553727.
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Mikkonen, Anna, Anne Kärki, Annina Sofia Lattu, Helena Puhakka-Tarvainen, Heli Lehtivuori, Inka Stormi, Leo Lahti, Maria Söderholm, and Seliina Päällysaho (2022). Avoimen tieteen suositus sekä tarkistuslista tutkimusorganisaatioiden ja yritysten…
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Cai, Yuzhuo and Annina Sofia Lattu (2021). “Triple Helix or Quadruple Helix: Which Model of Innovation to Choose for Empirical Studies?” Minerva 60: 257–280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-021-09453-6.
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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
Finnish Science Studies Symposium, Tampere University, Peking University
Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education - MARIHE (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree), Tampere University
Study Programme in Administration and Management of Higher Education (KOHA), Tampere University
Triple Helix Conference 2021, Tampere University, Peking University
Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference 2021
Tampere University, Peking University
Perspectives on a Research Career: Open Publishing as Part of a Researcher’s Career, Tampere University
Higher Education and Sustainability Course, Tongji University
Conference of Higher Education Research 2023, Lignan University
Puistokatu 4, Embassy of Finland in Beijing
The System of Science and Democratic and Authoritarian Social Structures in the Twenty-First Century, MPIWG