M. Norton Wise
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles
Norton Wise is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of History at UCLA. His work extends broadly over history of science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially industrialization and cultural history of science. An example of recent interests is “On the Narrative Form of Simulations,” appearing in a special issue on "Narrative in Science," SHPS—A (2017), which he edited with Mary Morgan. They aim to rejuvenate the topic of narrative understanding. Similar interests motivated Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, and Exemplary Narratives, edited with Angela N. H. Creager and Elizabeth Lunbeck (2007). Wise’s longtime project on natural science in Berlin is in press: Aesthetics, Industry, and Science: Hermann Helmholtz and the Berlin Physical Society (University of Chicago Press, 2018). And he is at work with Elaine Wise on The Steam Powered Gardens of Berlin: Industrial Transformations of the English Landscape Garden. From a methodological perspective, Wise has concentrated on how machines (and more generally technologies of many kinds) play an active mediating role in building the interrelations between science and society and between practical and theoretical understanding.
Gardens of Steam: Projecting Industrial Culture into the Berlin Landscape
Selected Publications
Wise, M. Norton (2021). “Does Narrative Matter? Engendering Belief in Electromagnetic Theory.” In Narratives and Comparisons: Adversaries or Allies in Understanding Science?, ed. M. Carrier, R. Mertens, and C. Reinhardt, 29–62. Bielefeld: Bielefeld…
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Wise, M. Norton (2019). “Sauerstoffküsse.” In Surprise: 107 Variations on the Unexpected, ed. M. Fend, A. Te Heesen, C. von Oertzen, and F. Vidal, 449–452. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
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Wise, M. Norton (2019). “On the Social History of Steam-Powered Gardens in Berlin and Potsdam.” In Historische Gärten und Klimawandel: eine Aufgabe für Gartendenkmalpflege, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, ed. R. F. Hüttl, K. David, and B. U…
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Wise, M. Norton (2018). “On the Stories Told by Indicator Diagrams and Carnot Diagrams.” Endeavour 42 (2–3): 145–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.endeavour.2018.07.009.
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