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13577 Search Results

Teresa Hollerbach (2018)

The weighing chair of Sanctorius Sanctorius : a replica

Hollerbach, T. (2018). The weighing chair of Sanctorius Sanctorius: a replica. NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 26(2), 121-149. doi:10.1007/s00048-018-0193-z.

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Thomas Turnbull (2018)

Simulating the global environment : the British Government’s response to 'The Limits to Growth'

Turnbull, T. (2018). Simulating the global environment: the British Government’s response to 'The Limits to Growth'. In J. Agar, & J. Ward (Eds.), Histories of technology, the environment and modern Britain (pp. 271-299). London: UCL Press.

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