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13577 Search Results

Jonathan Morton (2021)

Automates, robots et orients utopiques dans les romans du XIIe siècle

Morton, Jonathan (2021). “Automates, robots et orients utopiques dans les romans du XIIe siècle.” In Les utopies scientifiques au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance, ed. R. Poma and N. Weill-Parot, 25–43. Florence: SISMEL-Galluzzo.

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Anna L. Ahlers, Thomas Heberer (2021)

Rekalibrierung der deutschen und europäischen Wissenschaftskooperation mit China: mehr Augenhöhe und Austausch wagen

Ahlers, Anna L. and Thomas Heberer (2021). “Rekalibrierung der deutschen und europäischen Wissenschaftskooperation mit China: mehr Augenhöhe und Austausch wagen.” In Deutsch-chinesische Kooperationen in Bildung und Wissenschaft: Akteure — Interessen — Chancen, ed. H. Chen, M. Leutner, H. Neddermann, and P. Lu, 56–68. Münster: LIT-Verlag.

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Wolfgang Lefèvre (2022)

Architecture on Paper: The Development and Function of Architectural Drawings in the Renaissance

Lefèvre, Wolfgang (2022). “Architecture on Paper: The Development and Function of Architectural Drawings in the Renaissance.” In Creating Place in Early Modern European Architecture, ed. E. Merrill, 41–69. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

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Matteo Valleriani (2021)

Structure and Epistemology of the Practical Knowledge of the Venetian Arsenal

Valleriani, Matteo (2021). “Structure and Epistemology of the Practical Knowledge of the Venetian Arsenal.” In Les ingénieurs, des intermédiaires? Transmission et coopération à l’épreuve du terrain (Europe, XVe–XVIIIe siècle), ed. S. Blond, L. Hilaire-Pérez, V. Nègre, and M. Virol, 31–52. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi.

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Matteo Valleriani, Florian Kräutli (2022)

The Necessity of Linked Data alias Thinking Big in Computational History

Valleriani, Matteo and Florian Kräutli (2022). “The Necessity of Linked Data alias Thinking Big in Computational History.” In Person und Wissen: Bilanz und Perspektiven, ed. K. Gubler, C. Hesse, and R. C. Schwinges, 171–191. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG.

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Alexander S. Blum (2022)

Review of: Armas, Jácome (Jay) (ed.): Conversations on Quantum Gravity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021

Blum, Alexander S. (2022). “Review of: Armas, Jácome (Jay) (ed.): Conversations on Quantum Gravity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021.” Foundations of Physics 52.

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Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (2021)

The Han River as the Central Axis and Predominance of Water: Questioning the Claim of ‘No Chu-related Traits’ in the View of Terrestrial Space in the ‘Rong Cheng shi’ Manuscript (Fourth Century B.c.e)

Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, Vera (2021). “The Han River as the Central Axis and Predominance of Water: Questioning the Claim of ‘No Chu-related Traits’ in the View of Terrestrial Space in the ‘Rong Cheng shi’ Manuscript (Fourth Century B.c.e).” Early China 44: 143–235.

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Angela Axworthy (2021)

Le statut épistémologique de la géométrie d’après ‘l’Introductio in Geometriam’ de Charles de Bovelles

Axworthy, Angela (2021). “Le statut épistémologique de la géométrie d’après ‘l’Introductio in Geometriam’ de Charles de Bovelles.” In Charles de Bovelles: philosophe et pédagogue, ed. A.-H. Klinger-Dollé and E. Faye, 101–119. Paris: Beauchesne.

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Gretchen Anna Bakke (2021)

Pivoting Toward Energy Transition 2.0: Learning from Electricity

Bakke, Gretchen Anna (2021). “Pivoting Toward Energy Transition 2.0: Learning from Electricity.” In Research Handbook on Energy and Society: Elgar Handbooks in Energy, the Environment and Climate Change, ed. J. Webb, F. Wade, and M. Tingey, 97–110. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

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Lorraine Daston (2022)

Das geistige Auge

Daston, Lorraine (2022). “Das geistige Auge.” In Vollendete Tatsachen: vom endgültig Vorläufigen und vorläufig Endgültigen in der Wissenschaft, ed. C. von Xylander and A. Nordmann, 191–216. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

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