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13569 Search Results

Thomas Turnbull (2023)

California’s Quandary: Saving Energy at the RAND Corporation

Turnbull, Thomas (2023). “California’s Quandary: Saving Energy at the RAND Corporation.” Environmental History 28 (4): 738–765.

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Hassan El-Hajj, Matteo Valleriani (2023)

Prompt Me a Dataset: An Investigation of Text-Image Prompting for Historical Image Dataset Creation Using Foundation Models

El-Hajj, Hassan and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Prompt Me a Dataset: An Investigation of Text-Image Prompting for Historical Image Dataset Creation Using Foundation Models.” arXiv [cs], September 4, 2023.

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Maryam Zamani, Hassan El-Hajj, Malte Vogl, Holger Kantz, Matteo Valleriani (2023)

A Mathematical Model for the Process of Accumulation of Scientific Knowledge in the Early Modern Period

Zamani, Maryam, Hassan El-Hajj, Malte Vogl, Holger Kantz, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “A Mathematical Model for the Process of Accumulation of Scientific Knowledge in the Early Modern Period.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (Article 533).

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Amir Teicher (2023)

Super-spreaders: A Historical Review

Teicher, Amir (2023). “Super-spreaders: A Historical Review.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23 (10): e409–e417.

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Pablo Ariel Pellegrini (2023)

We are All Rationalists, but it is not Enough: Ways of Explaining the Social Acceptance of a Theory

Pellegrini, Pablo Ariel (2023). “We are All Rationalists, but it is not Enough: Ways of Explaining the Social Acceptance of a Theory.” Foundations of Science, April 7, 2023.

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Rivka Feldhay (2023)

The Evolution of Knowledge: A Scientific Meeting in Honor of Jürgen Renn

Feldhay, Rivka, ed. (2023). The Evolution of Knowledge: A Scientific Meeting in Honor of Jürgen Renn. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte : Preprint 515. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

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Annina Sofia Lattu, Yuzhuo Cai (2023)

Institutional Logics in the Open Science Practices of University–Industry Research Collaboration

Lattu, Annina Sofia and Yuzhuo Cai (2023). “Institutional Logics in the Open Science Practices of University–Industry Research Collaboration.” Science and Public Policy 50 (5): 905–916.

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Trym Eiterjord (2024)

Securitise the Volume: Epistemic Territorialisation and the Geopolitics of China’s Arctic Research

Eiterjord, Trym (2024). “Securitise the Volume: Epistemic Territorialisation and the Geopolitics of China’s Arctic Research.” Territory, Politics, Governance 12 (1): 93–111.

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Marta Eileen Hanson (2023)

Chinese Sources for the Narrative-Medicine Program AfterWards: From Premodern Poetry, Paintings, and Medical Texts to Modern Novels, Film, and Documentaries

Hanson, Marta Eileen (2023). “Chinese Sources for the Narrative-Medicine Program AfterWards: From Premodern Poetry, Paintings, and Medical Texts to Modern Novels, Film, and Documentaries.” Chinese Medicine and Culture 6 (2): 127–138.

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Jing Wang, Willem Halffman, Yuehong Helen Zhang (2023)

Sorting out Journals: The Proliferation of Journal Lists in China

Wang, Jing, Willem Halffman, and Yuehong Helen Zhang (2023). “Sorting out Journals: The Proliferation of Journal Lists in China.” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 74 (10): 1207–1228.

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