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13537 Search Results

Maths is Revolutionising the Study of History—Here's How

Thumbnail Nr 8 The study of history traditionally brings to mind images of dark, winding archives, and the smell of dust; visions of academics poring through piles of documents to uncover secrets and find the missing piece, piles that are invariably too small to cover the subject and too high to be worked through.
  • Matteo Valleriani
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    Maths is Revolutionising the Study of History—Here's How

    Thumbnail Nr 8 The study of history traditionally brings to mind images of dark, winding archives, and the smell of dust; visions of academics poring through piles of documents to uncover secrets and find the missing piece, piles that are invariably too small to cover the subject and too high to be worked through.
  • Matteo Valleriani
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    One Hundred Years of Gravitational Waves

    Thumbnail Nr 43 The search for gravitational waves has entered a new era. The MPIWG, CalTech and the Hebrew University have studied the long way from Einstein’s prediction to observation.
  • Alexander Blum
  • Roberto Lalli
  • Jürgen Renn
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    Hundert Jahre Gravitationswellen

    Thumbnail Nr 43 Anbruch einer neuen Ära für die Suche nach Gravitationswellen. Das MPIWG, CalTech und die Hebrew University haben den langen Weg von Einsteins Vorhersage bis zu ihrer Entdeckung untersucht.
  • Alexander Blum
  • Roberto Lalli
  • Jürgen Renn
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    The Globalization of Knowledge and its Consequences

    Thumbnail Nr 27 A recently published volume, edited by MPIWG director Jürgen Renn and available online, elucidates the processes of the globalization of knowledge in terms of historical-epistemological concepts.
  • Jürgen Renn
  • Helge Wendt
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    Die Globalisierung des Wissens und ihre Konsequenzen

    Thumbnail Nr 27 Ein kürzlich veröffentlichter Band, der online zugänglich ist und von MPIWG-Direktor Jürgen Renn herausgegeben wurde, erklärt die Globalisierung des Wissens mittels Konzepte der historischen Epistemologie.
  • Jürgen Renn
  • Helge Wendt
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    What (Good) is Historical Epistemology?

    Thumbnail Nr 1 Thomas Sturm reflects on a conference on historical epistemology, held at the MPIWG in July 2008, which brought together historians and philosophers of science.
  • Thomas Sturm
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