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Giulia Rispoli (2019)

The Space-Time Continuum and the Tektological Organization of the Earth-System

Rispoli, G. (2019). The Space-Time Continuum and the Tektological Organization of the Earth-System. ISRF Bulletin, 18, 25-30.

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How the Catalan Economy Benefited under Franco—and What This Means for the Ongoing Stalemate

Thumbnail Nr 5 Any long-term solution requires a deep understanding of the issues at stake, but the each day the situation is more puzzling to observers at home and around the world. Spaniards living abroad, like me, are often asked by friends and colleagues: What’s going on in Catalonia? Is the imposition of Article 155 a dictatorial move? Was independence declared? Why is there no dialogue? Who started it? And, the most feared of all these questions: What do you think is going to happen?
  • Lino Camprubi
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    How the Catalan Economy Benefited under Franco—and What This Means for the Ongoing Stalemate

    Thumbnail Nr 5 Any long-term solution requires a deep understanding of the issues at stake, but the each day the situation is more puzzling to observers at home and around the world. Spaniards living abroad, like me, are often asked by friends and colleagues: What’s going on in Catalonia? Is the imposition of Article 155 a dictatorial move? Was independence declared? Why is there no dialogue? Who started it? And, the most feared of all these questions: What do you think is going to happen?
  • Lino Camprubi
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