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13569 Search Results

Carolyn Birdsall, Viktoria Tkaczyk (2019)

Listening to the archive : sound data in the humanities and sciences

Birdsall, C., & Tkaczyk, V. (2019). Listening to the archive: sound data in the humanities and sciences. Technology and Culture, 60(2 Suppl.), S1-S13. doi:10.1353/tech.2019.0061.

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Changxue Shu (2019)

Digital humanities and GIS for Chinese architecture : a methodological experiment

Shu, C. (2019). Digital humanities and GIS for Chinese architecture: a methodological experiment. In T. Coomans, B. Cattoor, & K. De Jonge (Eds.), Mapping landscapes in transformation: multidisciplinary methods for historical analysis (pp. 301-345). Leuven: Leuven University Press.

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