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13577 Search Results

From Jaguar Teeth to the Nail of the Great Beast: The Evolution of Animal Medicines

Thumbnail Nr 11 In February 2018, the Bolivian authorities captured two Chinese citizens in a poultry store in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. They were apprehended in possession of 185 jaguar fangs, three feline skins, a 22-caliber pistol, a large sum of money, and body parts of many other animal species, including rattlesnakes, marsh deer, giant armadillos and jaguars.
  • Irina Podgorny
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    A Brief History of Black Holes

    Thumbnail Nr 12 Late in 2018, the gravitational wave observatory, LIGO, announced that they had detected the most distant and massive source of ripples of spacetime ever monitored: waves triggered by pairs of black holes colliding in deep space.
  • Carla Rodrigues Almeida
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