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13577 Search Results

Annette Vogt (2022)

Emil Julius Gumbels Aktivitäten in Berlin, Moskau, Paris und Lyon

Vogt, Annette (2022). “Emil Julius Gumbels Aktivitäten in Berlin, Moskau, Paris und Lyon.” In Emil Julius Gumbel: Mathematiker — Publizist — Pazifist. Beiträge zur Tagung im Universitätsarchiv Heidelberg am 22. Juli 2019, ed. I. Runde and M. Scherer, 91–115. Heidelberg: Winter.

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Jürgen Renn (2022)

Metamorphosis of the Technosphere: A Tribute to Dirk Messner, Intellectual, Politician and Friend

Renn, Jürgen (2022). “Metamorphosis of the Technosphere: A Tribute to Dirk Messner, Intellectual, Politician and Friend.” In Transboundary Cooperation and Global Governance for Inclusive Sustainable Development: Contributions in Honour of Dirk Messner’s 60th Birthday, ed. I. Scholz, L. Busse, and T. Fues, 231–241. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

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Maria Rentetzi (2022)

The Global Experiment: How the International Atomic Energy Agency Proved Dosimetry to Be a Techno-Diplomatic Issue

Rentetzi, Maria (2022). “The Global Experiment: How the International Atomic Energy Agency Proved Dosimetry to Be a Techno-Diplomatic Issue.” NTM 30 (2): 167–195.

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Hassan El-Hajj, Maryam Zamani, Jochen Büttner, Julius Martinetz, Oliver Eberle, Noga Shlomi, Anna Irene Siebold, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Holger Kantz, Matteo Valleriani (2022)

An Ever-Expanding Humanities Knowledge Graph: The Sphaera Corpus at the Intersection of Humanities, Data Management, and Machine Learning

El-Hajj, Hassan, Maryam Zamani, Jochen Büttner, Julius Martinetz, Oliver Eberle, Noga Shlomi, Anna Irene Siebold, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Holger Kantz, and Matteo Valleriani (2022). “An Ever-Expanding Humanities Knowledge Graph: The Sphaera Corpus at the Intersection of Humanities, Data Management, and Machine Learning.” Datenbank Spektrum 22: 153–162.

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Annette Vogt (2022)

Jewish Mathematicians, Their Escape from Nazi Germany from 1933 on and Their Paths into Exile

Vogt, Annette (2022). “Jewish Mathematicians, Their Escape from Nazi Germany from 1933 on and Their Paths into Exile.” In In Foreign Lands: The Migration of Scientists for Political or Economic Reasons, ed. M. T. Borgato and C. Phili, 309–330. Cham: Springer.

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Nuno Castel-Branco (2022)

Friendship Fostered by Poison: The Collaboration of Nicolaus Steno and Francesco Redi

Castel-Branco, Nuno (2022). “Friendship Fostered by Poison: The Collaboration of Nicolaus Steno and Francesco Redi.” In Poison: Knowledge, Uses, Practices, ed. C. Mordeglia and A. Paravicini Bagliani, 325–346. Florence: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo.

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Minakshi Menon (2022)

What’s in a Name? William Jones, ‘Philological Empiricism’ and Botanical Knowledge Making in Eighteenth-Century India

Menon, Minakshi (2022). “What’s in a Name? William Jones, ‘Philological Empiricism’ and Botanical Knowledge Making in Eighteenth-Century India.” South Asian History and Culture 13 (1): 87–111.

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Christoph Rosol, Giulia Rispoli (2022)

Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context

Rosol, Christoph and Giulia Rispoli, eds. (2022). Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context. Anthropocene Curriculum. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

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Marta Eileen Hanson (2022)

Epistemic Genres as a Conceptual Tool in the History of Chinese Medicine

Hanson, Marta Eileen (2022). “Epistemic Genres as a Conceptual Tool in the History of Chinese Medicine.” Chinese Medicine and Culture 5 (1): 1–8.

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Stefano Furlan, Rocco Gaudenzi (2022)

The Earth Vibrates with Analogies: The Dirac Sea and the Geology of the Vacuum

Furlan, Stefano and Rocco Gaudenzi (2022). “The Earth Vibrates with Analogies: The Dirac Sea and the Geology of the Vacuum.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 93: 163–174.

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