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13543 Search Results

Florian Kräutli, Matteo Valleriani (2017)

CorpusTracer : a CIDOC database for tracing knowledge networks

Kräutli, F., & Valleriani, M. (2017). CorpusTracer: a CIDOC database for tracing knowledge networks. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 33(2), 336-346. doi:10.1093/llc/fqx047.

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Martina Schlünder (2017)

Pastorale : sheep traffic in modern trauma surgery

Schlünder, M. (2017). Pastorale: sheep traffic in modern trauma surgery. In K. Asdal, T. Druglitrø, & S. Hinchliffe (Eds.), Humans, animals and biopolitics: the more-than-human condition (pp. 85-100). London: Routledge.

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Jia-Ou Song, Dagmar Schäfer (2017)

Interpreting the collection and display of contemporary science in Chinese museums as a reflection of science in society

Song, J.-O., & Schäfer, D. (2017). Interpreting the collection and display of contemporary science in Chinese museums as a reflection of science in society. In A. Boyle, & J.-G. Hagmann (Eds.), Challenging collections: approaches to the heritage of recent science and technology (pp. 88-102). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.

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Pietro Daniel Omodeo (2017)

Laukhards Dissertation über Giordano Bruno im Kontext der frühneuzeitlichen Bruno-Rezeption

Omodeo, P. D. (2017). Laukhards Dissertation über Giordano Bruno im Kontext der frühneuzeitlichen Bruno-Rezeption. In G. Naschert (Ed.), Friedrich Christian Laukhard (1757-1822): Schriftsteller, Radikalaufklärer und gelehrter Soldat (pp. 39-68). Paderborn: Schöningh.

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Florian Schmaltz (2017)

Chemical weapons research on soldiers and concentration camp inmates in Nazi Germany

Schmaltz, F. (2017). Chemical weapons research on soldiers and concentration camp inmates in Nazi Germany. In D. Hoffmann, J. Renn, F. Schmaltz, & M. Wolf (Eds.), One hundred years of chemical warfare: research, deployment, consequences (pp. 229-258). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51664-6_13.

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