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13577 Search Results

Tamar Novick (2023)

Introducing Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies

Novick, Tamar (2023). “Introducing Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies.” Technology and Culture 64 (4): 1027–1043.

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Robert Meunier (2023)

Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz biomedizinischer Forschung

Meunier, Robert (2023). “Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz biomedizinischer Forschung.” In ‘Ich lehne mich jetzt mal ganz konkret aus dem Fenster: […]’: eine Festschrift für Thomas Potthast, ed. C. Brand, S. Meisch, D. Frank, and R. Ammicht-Quinn, 531–539. Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.

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Helge Wendt (2023)

Stoffgeschichte und Diversifizierung: Kohle als Brennstoff, Abfall und Stofflieferant (1550–1950)

Wendt, Helge (2023). “Stoffgeschichte und Diversifizierung: Kohle als Brennstoff, Abfall und Stofflieferant (1550–1950).” In Perspektiven auf Stoffgeschichte: Materialität, Praktiken, Wissen, ed. S. Haumann, E.-M. Roelevink, N. Thorade, and C. Zumbrägel, 229–255. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

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Rudolf Stichweh (2023)

The University as a World Organization

Stichweh, Rudolf (2023). “The University as a World Organization.” In The Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization, ed. P. Mattei, X. Dumay, E. Magnez, and J. Behrend, 424–442. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Marta Eileen Hanson (2023)

Grasping Heaven and Earth (Qian Kun Zai Wo): The Body-as-Technology in Classical Chinese Medicine

Hanson, Marta Eileen (2023). “Grasping Heaven and Earth (Qian Kun Zai Wo): The Body-as-Technology in Classical Chinese Medicine.” Chinese Medicine and Culture 6 (3): 233–246.

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Oliver Eberle, Jochen Büttner, Hassan El-Hajj, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Matteo Valleriani (2023)

Insightful Analysis of Historical Sources at Scales beyond Human Capabilities Using Unsupervised Machine Learning and XAI

Eberle, Oliver, Jochen Büttner, Hassan El-Hajj, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Insightful Analysis of Historical Sources at Scales beyond Human Capabilities Using Unsupervised Machine Learning and XAI.” arXiv [cs.LG], October 13, 2023.

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Matteo Valleriani (2023)

The Mechanics of the Heart in Antiquity

Valleriani, Matteo (2023). “The Mechanics of the Heart in Antiquity.” In Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity, ed. M. Gerolemou and G. Kazantzidis, 245–261. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. .

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Stamatina Mastorakou (2020)

Aratus’ Phaenomena beyond Its Sources

Mastorakou, Stamatina (2020). “Aratus’ Phaenomena beyond Its Sources.” Aestimatio: Sources and Studies in the History of Science 1 (1): 55–70.

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Hassan El-Hajj, Oliver Eberle, Anika Merklein, Anna Irene Siebold, Noga Shlomi, Jochen Büttner, Julius Martinetz, Klaus-Robert Müller, Grégoire Montavon, Matteo Valleriani (2023)

Explainability and Transparency in the Realm of Digital Humanities: Toward a Historian XAI

El-Hajj, Hassan, Oliver Eberle, Anika Merklein, Anna Irene Siebold, Noga Shlomi, Jochen Büttner, Julius Martinetz, Klaus-Robert Müller, Grégoire Montavon, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Explainability and Transparency in the Realm of Digital Humanities: Toward a Historian XAI.” International Journal of Digital Humanities 5 (2–3): 299–331.

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Thomas Turnbull (2023)

California’s Quandary: Saving Energy at the RAND Corporation

Turnbull, Thomas (2023). “California’s Quandary: Saving Energy at the RAND Corporation.” Environmental History 28 (4): 738–765.

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