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13577 Search Results

Matthias Schemmel (2024)

Everyday Language and Technical Terminology: Reflective Abstractions in the Long-term History of Spatial Terms

Schemmel, Matthias (2024). “Everyday Language and Technical Terminology: Reflective Abstractions in the Long-term History of Spatial Terms
.” In Coming to Terms: Approaches to (Ancient) Terminologies, ed. M. Asper, 243–258. Berlin: De Gruyter.

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Anna L. Ahlers, Andrea Hoferichter (2024)

„Ethische Diskussionen, von denen man hier kaum etwas mitbekommt“

Ahlers, Anna L. (2024). „Ethische Diskussionen, von denen man hier kaum etwas mitbekommt“. Interview by Andrea Hoferichter. MIT Technology Review (1): 32–35.

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Thomas Turnbull (2024)

Energy and Industrial Film: Energo-Critical Registers

Turnbull, Thomas (2024). “Energy and Industrial Film: Energo-Critical Registers.” In Films That Work Harder: The Circulation of Industrial Film, ed. V. Hediger, F. Hoof, and Y. Zimmermann, 123–142. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

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Marta Eileen Hanson (2023)

Narrative Medicine in China and Chinese Sources for Narrative Medicine

Hanson, Marta Eileen (2023). “Narrative Medicine in China and Chinese Sources for Narrative Medicine.” Chinese Medicine and Culture 6 (2): 125–126.

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Qiao Yang (2023)

Lire le ciel et représenter la terre

Yang, Qiao (2023). “Lire le ciel et représenter la terre.” In Les Mongols et le monde: l’autre visage de l’Empire de Gengis Khan, ed. M. Favereau, 221–233. Nantes: Les Éditions du Château des Ducs de Bretagne.

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Thomas Turnbull, Cyrus C. M. Mody (2023)

Turn and Turn Again: How Big Science Both Helped and Hindered Alternative Energy in the 1970s

Turnbull, Thomas and Cyrus C. M. Mody (2023). “Turn and Turn Again: How Big Science Both Helped and Hindered Alternative Energy in the 1970s.” In Big Science in the 21st Century: Economic and Societal Impacts, ed. P. Charitos, T. Arabatzis, H. Cliff, G. Dissertori, J. Forneris, and J. Li-Ying, 31-1-31–21. Bristol: IOP Publishing.

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Stefano Furlan (2023)

Trespassing Boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel'dovich, Pontecorvo, and the Future of Astrophysics

Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Trespassing Boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel’dovich, Pontecorvo, and the Future of Astrophysics.” In Atti del XLII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference, Perugia, 26–29 September 2022, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA), Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, ed. P. Bussotti, D. Capecchi, and T. Pasquale, 177–182. Pisa: Pisa University Press.

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Stefano Furlan (2023)

Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza

Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza.” Bollettino Filosofico 38: 207–218.

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Razieh-Sadat Mousavi, Petra G. Schmidl (2023)

al-Ashraf ῾Umar’s Tabṣira, Chapter xxiii: Timekeeping at Night by the Moon in 13th-Century Yemen and Beyond

Mousavi, Razieh-Sadat and Petra G. Schmidl (2023). “al-Ashraf ῾Umar’s Tabṣira, Chapter xxiii: Timekeeping at Night by the Moon in 13th-Century Yemen and Beyond.” Suhayl 20: 7–42.

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Wenrui Zhao (2023)

The Making of Early Modern Eye Mode

Zhao, Wenrui (2023). “The Making of Early Modern Eye Mode.” Notes and Records, November 15, 2023.

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