
Tina Asmussen

Postdoctoral Fellow (2015–2017)

Tina Asmussen gained her doctorate in Early Modern History from the University of Lucerne with a thesis on the Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher entitled: “Scientia Kircheriana—Maschinerien des Wissens bei Athanasius Kircher.” Her study investigates mechanisms of knowledge production and distribution as well as the collaboratively conducted modes of marketing Kircherian science. She is currently working on her second book project entitled “Subterranean Economies—Resource Flows and Metal Culture in Early Modern Mining, 1490-1630.” This project investigates the perceptions and validations of ores within their different aggregate conditions, manufacturing processes, and consumption contexts. Methodologically her research connects approaches from history of science and technology, material culture studies, and cultural history of economy and art in order to analyze practices, processes, and discourses upon metallic resources within learned, elite, and craft cultures. Tina Asmussen is a member of the editorial board of the history journal traverse—Zeitschrift für Geschichte/Révue d’histoire



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Early Modern Art Technologies and Materials


Subterranean Economies: Resource Flows and Metal Culture in Early Modern Mining


Subterranean Economies—Resource Flows and Metal Culture in Early Modern Mining, 1490–1630


Selected Publications

Asmussen, Tina and Pietro Daniel Omodeo, eds. (2020). Early Modern Geological Agency. Special issue, Earth Sciences History 39 (2). Washington, DC: History of Earth Sciences Society.…

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Asmussen, Tina, Lucas Burkart, and Hole Rößler, eds. (2019). Athanasius Kircher: Musaeum celeberrimum (1678). Kommentierte Reprintausg. Athanasius Kircher: Hauptwerke 11. Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann.

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Asmussen, Tina (2016). “Glück Auf! Fortuna und Risiko im frühneuzeitlichen Bergbau.” FKW, Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und Visuelle Kultur 60: 30–41.

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Asmussen, Tina (2016). “The Kux as a site of mediation : economic practices and material desires in the early modern German mining industry.” In Sites of mediation : connected histories of places, processes, and objects in Europe and beyond, 1450…

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