Stephanie Christmann-Budian
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Sep 2020–Sep 2025)
Stephanie Christmann-Budian studied Sinology and Cultural Studies in Berlin, Paris, and Beijing. She obtained her PhD degree in 2012 from the Free University Berlin on the topic of Chinese Science Policy since the 1990s in the context of globalization. Her research addresses the dimensions of modern and contemporary Chinese science, technology, and innovation policies in international comparison. For her investigations, she applies multi-methodological approaches (including those from the sociology of science, innovation research, and political sciences) for the qualitative and quantitative measurement of the impact of research strategies. This is based on her profound knowledge of the Chinese science and innovation system in which she accumulated more than 12 years of practical work experience. She held positions as researcher and policy analyst at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Research Foundation (DFG), Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research (ISI), the Chinese Academy of Science (IPM) and the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit). Stephanie has published various articles in the field of science and Chinese studies, analyzing, for example, the overall Chinese science system as well as different Chinese strategies to develop certain scientific or technological fields, e.g., on artificial intelligence or green technologies. Her current research project focuses on the latest reforms of the national science system of China with relation to the precedent development and the overall political situation and global position of the PRC.
The Reforms of the National Science System of China—Global Models and National Interpretations
Selected Publications
Christmann-Budian, Stephanie (2022). The Particular Case of China’s Private Sector and the Funding of Science, Technology and Innovation: A Hybrid Counter Model and Its Challenges. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.24631.19361.
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Ehrenberg-Silies, Simone, Robert Peters, Christian Wehrmann, and Stephanie Christmann-Budian (2022). Welt ohne Bargeld? — Veränderungen der klassischen Banken- und Bezahlsysteme. TAB-Kurzstudie 2. Berlin: Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim…
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Ehrenberg-Silies, Simone, Robert Peters, Christian Wehrmann, and Stephanie Christmann-Budian (2022). World Without Cash — Changes in Conventional Banking and Payment Systems. TAB-Fokus 37. Berlin: Office of Technology Assessment at the German…
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Braun Střelcová, Andrea, Stephanie Christmann-Budian, and Anna L. Ahlers (2022). The End of ‘Learning from the West’? Trends in China’s Contemporary Science Policy. Observations 6. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. https://doi…
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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
the Chinese Association for the Science of Science, Shanghai
Deutsch-Chinesische Innovationskonferenz
Confucius Institute Berlin
Confucius Institute Berlin
China Center, TU Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin
German Academic Exchange Service
GFZ Potsdam „Research Collaboration with China”
MPIWG, Berlin
Confucius Institute Berlin