profile picture of Olena Korzun

Olena Korzun

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2022–2024)

Olena Korzun studied history at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University (1996–2001) and agrarian sciences at Vinnytsia Agrarian University (2005–2007). She participated in the international programs “The Road to Democracy” at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies (2008) and “New Approaches to the Methodology of Research and Teaching” at the East-Central European School in the Humanities (2010), both at the University of Warsaw. She received her Candidate of Historical Sciences in 2010 and her Doctor of Historical Sciences in 2020, with a focus on the history of agrarian science. She has been a researcher at the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Agrarian Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 2018. Additionally, she taught history of science at the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya (2007–2017), and agrarian history of Ukraine at the National Scientific Agricultural Library (2020).

Olena’s past research includes general characteristics and tendencies of agricultural experimentation in Ukraine during World War II, and the regional aspect of origin and formation of agricultural experimentation in Ukraine in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She is a member of the editorial board for the historical-bibliographic series Аграрна наука України в особах, документах, бібліографії (Agrarian science of Ukraine in persons, documents and bibliography) in which she participated in the creation of collections of documents illustrating scientific support of Ukrainian agriculture in 1940–1946 (2012) and 1920–1930 (2020-2021). Olena was a 2011 recipient of the Polish History Museum fellowship. In 2019, she also received a fellowship from the Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission/Німецько-українська комісія істориків (German-Ukrainian historical commission). At the MPIWG, Olena collaborated with Dmytro Korzun to research the relationship and mutual influences between German and Ukrainian scholars in the study of agrarian issues at different stages of historical development from the nineteenth to mid-twentieth century.


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The Cooperation of German and Ukrainian Scientists in Agricultural Research (from the Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth Century)


Selected Publications

Korzun, Olena (2022). “Researching Surviving: Agricultural Experimentation in Ukraine Under German Occupation During the Second World War.” Close Encounters in War Journal 5: 53–78.

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Korzun, Olena (2019). “German and Ukrainian Scientific Cooperation During the Second World War Based on the Memoirs of Professor Heinrich Walter, German Botanist (1898–1989).” Holocaust Studies: A Ukrainian Focus 11: 119–139.

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Korzun, Olena (2019). “Peculiarities of State Regulation of Scientific Researches in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic during the Period of Reconstruction (1943–1945).” In Modern Problems of History of Science and Biographical Study, ed. R. Bey, S. Hordenko, N. Kovalenko, O. Korzun, N. Kotsur, V. Melnyk, V. Orekhivskyi, and V. Vergunov, 65–91. Lviv-Toruń: Liha-Pres.

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Korzun, Olena (2019). “Ukrayinsʹkyy naukovo-doslidnyy instytut zemlerobstva pid chas nimetsʹkoyi okupatsiyi v roky Druhoyi svitovoyi viyny Український науково-дослідний інститут землеробства під час німецької окупації в роки Другої світової війни [Ukrainian Research Institute of Agriculture during the German Occupation during the Second World War].” Hileya 143 (4): 43–48.

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

The History of Agricultural Experimentation in Ukraine through the Prism of Postcolonial Studies: “Hot Spots”

Scientific and Innovative Development of Agricultural Production as a Guarantee of Ukraine's Food Security: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

The National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

German and Ukrainian Scientific Cooperation During the Second World War

The Fifth Annual Conference “Memories of the Second Word War in Germany and Ukraine since 1945”.
Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission/Німецько-українська комісія істориків (German-Ukrainian Historical Commission)

Collaboration of Ukrainian and German Scientists in Agricultural Research of the Ukrainian Lands during World War II

The Fourth Annual Conference “Germany and Ukraine in the Second World War”.
Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission/Німецько-українська комісія істориків (German-Ukrainian Historical Commission)

World War II: Everyday Life through the Eyes of Agricultural Scientists

The History of Soviet Everyday Life: At the Crossroads of Sources
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

War and Science: Crisis or Breakthrough? Agricultural Experimentation in Ukraine during the Second World War

Tenth All-Ukrainian Conference “History of Education, Science and Technology in Ukraine”.
The National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine