Julia Kursell smiling into the camera

Julia Kursell

Visiting Scholar (2016)

Prof. Dr., Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Capaciteitsgroep Muziekwetenschap, University of Amsterdam

Julia Kursell is professor of musicology at the University of Amsterdam. She has published on 20th- and 21st-century Western composition and the history of research on hearing. Her book Epistemologie des Hörens, on the relationship of Helmholtz’s physiology of hearing to music theory, will come out in 2016 with Fink Verlag. Currently, she is working on the history of musicology and the role of hearing in the humanities more generally. She co-organized a focus section on the humanities and sciences in Isis (2015/2) and is one of the editors of the journal History of the Humanities. While at the MPIWG, she will be working with the group “Epistemes of Modern Acoustics,” where she will take part in preparing the working group “Betwixt and Between: Sound in the Humanities and Sciences.”



No current projects were found for this scholar.

Ear and Instrument—Hermann v. Helmholtz’s “On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music”


Experimentalization of Life


Historical Epistemology of Hearing, 1850-2000


Listening to More Than Sounds: Experimental Recordings at the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv


The Virtual Laboratory: Essays and Resources on the Experimentalization of Life, 1830–1930


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