Franziska Marliese Fröhlich
Postdoctoral Scholar (Jun 2023–Sep 2025)
Franziska Marliese Fröhlich is a postdoctoral scholar in the Lise Meitner Research Group “China in the Global System of Science” at the MPIWG. In her current research projects, she looks at consumer responsibilization at the intersection of food consumption and the environment in consumer advice, as well as science communication and the popular understanding of science in China. More broadly, her research interests include governance, responsibilization, and subject-making in contemporary China.
Franziska holds an MA in India Studies and a BA in Modern China Studies from Würzburg University and spent part of her studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, Peking University, as well as Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. In 2023, she received her PhD in Sinology from the University of Würzburg with a dissertation on discourses about food and the environment in China. Her doctoral research was funded by scholarships of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service as well as the China Scholarship Council.
Prior to joining the MPIWG in June 2023, she worked as a lecturer and research fellow in English Literature and Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Würzburg and served as the managing director of the European Chinese Language and Culture Program at Peking University.
Popular Science Representations of Artificial Intelligence Research: Investigating the Values of Doing Science in China
Selected Publications
Fröhlich, Franziska Marliese (2024). “Food Consumption, Eco-civilization and Environmental Authoritarianism in China.” The China Quarterly, December 6, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741024001231.
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Alpermann, Björn and Franziska Marliese Fröhlich (2021). “Doing Discourse Research in Chinese Studies: Methodological Reflections on the Basis of Studying Green Consumption and Population Policy.” Asien: The German Journal of Contemporary Asia 154…
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Fröhlich, Franziska Marliese (2018). “Wie kommt das Essen auf meinen Tisch? Subjekte im Diskurs chinesischer ökologischer Bauernmärkte und städtischer Kleingärten.” In Aspekte des sozialen Wandels in China: Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Identität, ed. B…
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Upcoming Events
Taming the Artificial, Ordering the Social: Divergence and Convergence in Emerging AI Governance Regimes in China, Germany/the EU and the US
Theorizing Evolution of Social Sciences in China, Canada, and Germany: A Comparative Study
An Italian-Chinese Joint Venture in Cosmic Ray Astronomy
Unfamiliar Uncertainties: Grappling with Climate Change Adaptation in China
A New Era in Technological Collaboration: Israel and the Abraham Accords States (2020-2023 and after)
China’s Scientists and International Research on Climate Change
MOREPast Events
Science Popularization and Environmental Food Safety Risks in China
China in Global Science: An Interim Stocktaking
Beyond “Red and Expert”: The Party’s Vision for Scientists in Contemporary China
Expertise and Environment: Reckoning with Scientific Authority in an Anthropogenic Age
MOREBook Presentation
The War for Chinese Talent in America and Lessons for Europe
Strategising Imaginaries of AI Governance: How Corporate Discourse in China, Germany, and the US Shape Regulatory Futures
MOREBook Presentation
Soda Science: Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola
Institutionalization of Open Science in China: University-Industry Research Collaboration as a Case Study
Rethinking Expertise: Avalanche Control in Twentieth-Century Switzerland
Chinese Columbianites and the China Foundation
Science Regime: A New Concept to Solve The Needham Puzzle
Research on Elements of Organized Science from the Perspective of Boundary Spanning: Evidence from Nationwide Key Laboratories
Xi Jinping’s Perspectives on Science and Technology
Competing Economic Paradigms? Evolution of Chinese Economic Thought and Theories since China's Reform and Opening-up
CANCELED: Four Elements vs. Five Phases: Jesuit Influences in the Chinese Scientific and Philosophical Discourse
Experimenting with Socio-Material Relations: Rural Meteorological Services and its Integration into Agricultural Practices in China
MOREPresentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
Leibniz Confucius Institute Hannover & Institute for Professional Pedagogy and Adult Education of the University of Hannover
Annual Conference of the ASC (Social Science China Working Group), “China in Times of Crisis”
Royal Geographic Society with IGB Annual International Conference
China Studies Department, University of Würzburg
Writing Back to the Centre: Postcolonial Literature and Theory (Undergraduate seminar)
Annual Conference of the German Association for China Studies, German Association for China Studies (DVCS)
China Kolleg, German Academic Scholarship Foundation