
Dominic Dold

Predoctoral Scholar (Nov 2018–Dez 2025)

Dominic Dold graduated with a PhD in mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 2018. His thesis studied instability mechanisms of the Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant. The results are published in two articles. Before, he studied mathematics and physics at the University of Cambridge and the University of Heidelberg. Since autumn 2018, he has been a Predoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and a doctoral student at the TU Berlin.

Dominic currently works on medieval Latin commentaries on Aristotle’s Historia animalium and De partibus animalium. He is interested in the role of definition and demonstration within scholastic zoology. This study attempts to shed some light on the intrinsic structure of the medieval science of animals. At the MPIWG, Dominic is a member of Katja Krause’s Research Group "Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650."


Definition and Division in Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle’s De animalibus


Premodern History of Signification: Putting Experiences into Words, Images, and Signs


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Selected Publications

Dold, Dominic (2024). “The Summa Halensis on the Composition of the Human Body.” Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1): 27–54.

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Dold, Dominic (2023). “Review of: Falk, Seb: The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science. New York, NY: Norton & Company 2020.” Speculum 98 (1): 246–247.

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Dold, Dominic (2022). “Why Do Animals Have Parts? Organs and Organisation in 13th- and 14th-century Latin Commentaries on Aristotle’s ‘De animalibus.’” In Fragmented Nature: Medieval Latinate Reasoning on the Natural World and Its Order, ed. M…

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Krause, Katja and Dominic Dold (2020). “Review of: Navarro Sánchez, Francisca (Ed.): Peter of Spain, Questiones super libro ‘De Animalibus’ Aristotelis: Critical Edition with Introduction. Farnham: Ashgate Press 2015.” Speculum 95 (3): 879–881…

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