Yulei YANG studied history and historical geography at Zhejiang University and Fudan University, obtaining her PhD in 2005 with a dissertation on Sino-Korean cultural exchange in the Ming and Qing dynasties. She was a visiting scholar at Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and UMR 8173 Chine-Corée-Japon (CNRS-EHESS), and she is currently a professor at the Department of History & Research Institute for Pre-modern Chinese History of Zhejiang University.
Her research interests include the history of Sino-Korean relations, the history of cultural exchanges between East and West, and the history of cartography. Her current research work focuses more on the history of East Asian cartography, especially on Chinese and Korean world maps in the Ming and Qing dynasties. She is particularly concerned with changes of geographical knowledge, genealogy, and spatial concepts of East Asia in the course of encountering western culture.
Changes in Chinese Traditional General Maps: Two Late-Qing General Maps in the MPIWG Map Collection
Fenye Knowledge in the General Maps in Late Ming Daily Encyclopedias
Geographical Knowledge and Cultural Concepts: A Preliminary Investigation of the Old Chinese Maps Collected at the MPIWG
Translation Terroirs: East Asia Between Autochthonous and Western Cartographic Languages
Selected Publications
Yang, Yulei (2024). “From China to Korea: Kim Suhong’s Cheonha gogeum daechong pyeollam do.” In Remapping the World in East Asia: Toward a Global History of the “Ricci Maps”, ed. M. Cams and E. Papelitzky, 188–205. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai…
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Yang Yulei 杨雨蕾 (2021). “Wei Kuangguo ‘Zhongguo xin dituji’ kaolun 卫匡国《中国新地图集》考论 [A Study on Martino Martini’s ‘Novus Atlas Sinensis’].” Wenxian, no. 6: 133–159. https://oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&filename=WNXI202106008&…
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Yang Yulei 杨雨蕾 and Li Xinnan 李欣楠 (2020). “Cong biandi dao shengjing: tuhui Ming Qing Shanhaiguan diqu 从边地到胜境: 图绘明清山海关地区 [From Border District to Beauty Spot: Mapping Shanhaiguan Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties].” Xingxiang shixue 16 (2): 304–315.
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Yang Yulei 杨雨蕾 (2019). “‘Hunyi jiangli lidai guodu zhi tu’ de tuben xingzhi he huizhi mudi ’混一疆理历代国都之图’的图本性质和绘制目的 [Essence of Honil Kangri Yeokdae Gukdo Jido and Purpose of its Mapmaking].” Jianghai xuekan, no. 2: 172–180, 255.
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