Representation of validity as hitting the target, amended to signify the challenge of validating a moving target. Source: Altered from Creative Commons. © Nevit Dilmen CC-BY-SA
Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences
All Events
Neurasthenia, the International Classification of Diseases, and Psychiatry in the Socialist World Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Sarah Marks
Non-specific (Generic) Psychopathology: Considerations from the Theory of Open Concepts Online Event
- Peter Zachar
Responsible Mental Health Measures that are Valid and Fit for their Purpose Online Event
- Several Speakers
History and Historiography of the Life Sciences: Traces of Hans-Jörg Rheinberger MPIWG Main Conference Room
Crazy Standards: The WHO and the Rise of Descriptive Psychiatry Online Event
MoreThe Laboratory of Animal Spirits. Animal Experimentation and Therapeutic Innovation in the Wake of the Psychopharmacological Revolution Online Event
MoreSpecial Issue Launch Party: On Epistemic Times—Writing History 25 Years after Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube Online Event
- Several Speakers
Commoning Biomedicine—Conversations: Connecting 3 Worlds Online Event
MoreIslamic Tibb and Socialist Biomedicine: Trajectories, Resiliency and Appeal of Indigenous Medical Practitioners in Soviet Central Asia Humboldt University, Friedrichstraße 191
- Alisher Latypov
Being between Scylla and Charybdis: Designing Animal Studies in Neurosciences and Psychiatry—Too Ethical to Be Ethical? Online Event
- Alexandre Surget
Between Transcultural Disease and International Diagnostic Concept: The International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (1965-1973) Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreAdaptation and Norming of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) in Norway: 1970s to the Present
Local Struggles, Transnational Bonds: The Indian Women’s Health Movement and its Campaigns against High Dose EP-Drugs and Long-acting Contraceptives (1980-1995) Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin Charité Berlin
- Anja Suter
In Search of Evidence: Shifting Epistemic Tools to Elucidate the Genetic Origins of Psychiatric Disorders, and some Underlying Assumptions
- Volker Roelke
The Validity of Machine Learning Models for the Measurement of Personality Traits Online Event
MoreCoordination and Validity in Measurement across Science and Medicine: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives Online Event
- Several Speakers
Some Questions about the New DSM-5-TR Diagnosis of Prolonged Grief Disorder Online Event
MoreA Cosmopolitan Parasite: Tracking Toxoplasma Between Laboratory Diagnostics and Regionalized Public Health Measures MPIWG Main Conference Room
MoreLatrines, Vaccines, and Socialist Doctors: Health in Mozambique’s Weekly Magazine "O Tempo" Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Friedrichstraße 191, Raum 5028, 10117 Berlin
- Alila Brossard Antonielli
The Fetus and the Lamb: The Many Histories of the Auckland Antenatal Steroid Clinical Trial Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin - Charité Berlin, Thielallee 71, 14195 Berlin
- Tatjana Buklijas
Beyond Validity: Predictivity! The DSM-5 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Revision and the Emergence of Craving Online Event
MoreA Little Bit Different from Oral History? The Historiographic Realm of Research Interviews in History of Science and Medicine
- Several Speakers
In Search of Biomedical Validity: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary History of Validation Practices
- Several Speakers
Visualizing the Body with Text and Image: The Early Modern Grammar of Anatomical Illustration MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
In Search of Biomedical Validity: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary History of Validation Practices Main Conference Room & Online
- Several Speakers