Apr 22, 2024
Health Beyond Medicine Workshop: Endings and After
The after that follows ‘the end’ of crises are rarely examined and there are no known examples of interdisciplinary research examining global health crises from this perspective. Yet research that places the ‘after’ as a vantage point to investigate health disasters, disease and drug resistance can provide us with an analytical shift to reinterpret and redefine established categories and practices that underpin medical research, healthcare, and global health structures.
This workshop brings together four research groups to explore endings and what happens after from various perspectives – validation of biomedical research; patient perspectives; post-war and post-socialist health contexts; and interdisciplinary approaches to global health. Placing people, practices, spaces and policies in focus, at this workshop we invite conversations on how various academic analyses and perceptions of what happens after the end of crises can inform current health policies and medical research, and in turn, how experiences of patients and practitioners in global health may provide insight and further the understanding of the historical trajectories and ethnographic, and sociological studies of endings.
Links to the research groups:
After the End: Lived experiences and aftermaths of Diseases, Disasters and Drugs in global health
Practices of Validation in Biomedical Sciences