Maria Montserrat Cabré Pairet
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Professor for the History of Science
Montserrat Cabré holds a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Barcelona and is Associate Professor of the History of Science at the Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, and Accredited Full Professor by the National Office for the Evaluation of Academic Excellence (ANECA). She has been a Visiting Scholar at different research institutions, including Cambridge University, MIT, and Harvard University. Her main research lines are concerned with medieval and early modern women’s health practices, the history of the body, and the history of women’s knowledges.
She is currently working on two writing projects: an article on the gendered nature of the idea of transformation in humoral theory focused on the medieval interpretation of the Hippocratic gynaecological aphorisms (with Fernando Salmón); and a book-length history of women’s healthcare in late-medieval Catalonia. In addition, she is coordinating an international team of historians of science, art historians. and curators working on an exhibition project on the collection of drawings by Maria Sibylla Merian and Alida Withoos held at the Archives of the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid that will be launched in Santander in the Autumn of 2018.
Montserrat has been Co-Editor in Chief of the open access journal Dynamis from 2011 to 2017. At present, she is the Academic Director of Gender Equality and Social Responsibility at the Universidad de Cantabria.
Rewriting Women’s Bodies in Medieval Medical Epistemology
Selected Publications
Cabré Pairet, M. M. (2016). Trota, tròtula i tròtula: autoria i autoritat femenina en la medicina medieval en català. In L. Badia, L. Cifuentes, S. Martí, & J. Pujol (
Read MoreEds. ), Els manuscrits, el saber i les Iletres a la Corona d'Aragó, 1250-1500 (pp. 77-102). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
Cabré Pairet, M. M. (2011). Keeping beauty secrets in early modern Iberia. In E. Leong (
Read MoreEd. ), Secrets and knowledge in medicine and science, 1500-1800 (pp. 167-190). Ashgate.
Cabré Pairet, M. M. (2014). Beautiful bodies. In L. Kalof (
Read MoreEd. ), A cultural history of the human body in the Medieval Age (pp. 121-139). London: Bloomsbury.
Cabré Pairet, M. M. (2008). Women or healers? Household practices and the categories of health care in late medieval Iberia. Bulletin of the history of medicine, 82(1), 18-51.
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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
XVII Symposium of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine: Plenary lecture, Museum of Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona
17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities, Museum of Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona
Translating Medicine in the Pre-modern World, MPIWG, Berlin
Domesticating the Air: Chemistry, Material Culture, and Politics of Breathing Safely, Oxford University
International Medieval Congress, The University of Leeds