profile picture of Projit Bihari Mukharji

Projit Bihari Mukharji

Visiting Scholar (2018)

PhD, Associate Professor

Projit Bihari Mukharji is an Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a historian of science and medicine in modern and early modern South Asia. Mukharji has authored two monographs, namely Nationalizing the Body: The Medical Market, Print and Daktari Medicine (London, 2009) and Doctoring Traditions: Ayurveda, Small Technologies and Braided Sciences (Chicago, 2016), alongside numerous journal articles and three co-edited volumes. Thematically, his research focuses primarily on the ways in which distinctive knowledge traditions interact with each other. He interrogates these interactions with reference to issues of power, marginality, and subalternity.


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Betwixt the Somatic and the Mnemonic: Mapping Identities in the Global South, c. 1950–1980s


Selected Publications

Mukharji, P. B. (2017). The Bengali Pharaoh: Upper-Caste Aryanism, Pan-Egyptianism, and the contested history of biometric nationalism in twentieth-century Bengal. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59(2), 446-476.

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Mukharji, P. B. (2016). Doctoring traditions: ayurveda, small technologies and braided sciences. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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Mukharji, P. B. (2016). Parachemistries: colonial chemopolitics in a zone of contest. History of Science, 54(4), 362-382.

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Mukharji, P. B. (2009). Nationalizing the body: the medical market, print and Daktari medicine. London: Anthem Press.

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Keynote Address: "Non-Aligned Selves: Reincarnating Cold War Science"

Graduate Conference on South-South II: Materiality and Embodiment in Greater Asia and Africa, Columbia University

Lecture: "Islamicate Embryology in the Early Modern Arakan: A Politico-Economic History"

Science, Religion and Culture Colloquium, Harvard University

Keynote Address: "Immortal Matters: The Material Culture of Longevity Practices, 16th -18th CE"

Conference on Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia, University of Vienna

"The Coolie’s Ghost: Searching for the Indian Ancestors of Australian Aborigines During the Cold War"

Southern Oceanic Topologies and Genealogies: Genetic Explorations of the Pacific and Australasia Workshop, University of Sydney

"Elementary, My Dear Hardless! Race, Detectives and Forensic Science in British India"

South Asia Program, Princeton University