Andrew Mendelsohn
Visiting Scholar (2017–2018)
PhD, Reader in History of Science and Medicine, Queen Mary University of London
J. Andrew Mendelsohn is Reader in History of Science and Medicine in the School of History at Queen Mary, University of London, having previously taught at Imperial College London from 2000 to 2012, where he served as Head of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine and was also Director of its doctoral program. He has published widely on knowledge and society from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries on German, French, British, and U.S. history. In addition, he co-led the project “Ways of Writing: How Physicians Know, 1550–1950,” funded by the European Research Council. He has held visiting professorships at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, and Tel Aviv University, and he has taught at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His current project is on the longue durée of physicians in governance from medieval to modern Europe and the methods of empirical inquiry—the science—this generated.
Good Doctors: A Story of Governing and Knowing from Medieval to Modern Europe
Selected Publications
Mendelsohn, J. A., & Kinzelbach, A. (2017). Common knowledge: bodies, evidence and expertise in early modern Germany. Isis, 108(2), 259-279.
Read More
Mendelsohn, J. A. (2017). Lepraschau als Urszene medizinischen Gutachtens. In A. Geisthövel (
Read MoreEd. ), Medizinisches Gutachten: Geschichte einer neuzeitlichen Praxis (pp. 43-69). Wallstein Verlag.
Mendelsohn, J. A. (2017). Empiricism in the library: medicine's case histories. In L. Daston (
Read MoreEd. ), Science in the archives: pasts, presents, futures (pp. 85-109). University of Chicago Press.