The essays in this special issue of 'Centaurus' examine overlooked agents and sites of knowledge production beyond the academy and venues of industry- and government-sponsored research. By using gender as a category of analysis, they uncover scientific practices taking place in locations such as the kitchen, the nursery, and the storefront. Because of historical gendered patterns of exclusion and culturally derived sensibilities, the authors in this volume find that significant contributions to science were made in unexpected places and that these were often made by women. The shift in focus to these different sites and different actors broadens the spectrum of what counts as science and where science happens. That is, in moving beyond the parameters of formal academic structures, this special issue seeks to recast the ways in which the production of science itself is defined and to engage readers in the redesign of the boundaries of our discipline.

Beyond the Academy: Histories of Gender and Knowledge
- Special Issue (Working Group Volume)
- Christine von OertzenRentetzi, MariaWatkins Siegel, Elizabeth
- Dept. Daston
- Gender Studies of ScienceBeyond the Academy: Histories of Gender and Knowledge