
Edgar Lejeune

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)

Edgar Lejeune first studied law and history at University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. He then obtained a Master degree in history and philosophy of science at University Paris 7 Diderot, with a dissertation on the impact of the personal computer on the writing of an historian of science, Gérard Simon.

Since 2016, he has been a PhD student at University Paris 7 Diderot, under the direction of both a linguist Shirley Carter-Thomas and a historian of science Karine Chemla. He works on the first uses of computers in medieval history in France, Germany, and Italy, using both linguistic and historical methods. He also gives courses on quantitative methods for the Humanities at Paris-Sciences-Lettre since 2017.


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How Did Computers Transform Historians’ Work?


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

“Une étude assistée par ordinateur du Catasto florentin de 1427 (1966–1978). « Edition », « computer edition », « data bank », « édition simplifiée », « édition abrégée » ou « index » ?”

2ème colloque international de la Société Française d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines, Société Française d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines (SFHSH) - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

“Qu’est-ce que comptent les historiens? La mesure comme agent de changement du statut des sources en histoire.”

Numbers, Measurement, and Measurability, SPHERE – University Paris 7 Diderot

“Comment la linguistique peut-elle nous aider à comprendre l’influence des ordinateurs sur les pratiques et les publications des historiens?”

LATTICE Seminar, LATTICE – Ecole Normale Superieure

“From Sources to Data: A Technology-Driven Model Under Discussion in Le Médiéviste et l’Ordinateur (1975–1986)”

The Making of the Humanities VI, Society for the History of the Humanities - Oxford University

Quantitative Methods for the Humanities

CPES Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Degree, Paris Sciences et Lettres