Coling King in front of a tree

Colin G. King

Visiting Scholar (2018)

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Providence College

Colin Guthrie King is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Providence College. He works on the history of ancient philosophy and science, in particular on ancient practices of argumentation, Aristotle’s theory of argumentation, and ancient logic, as well as on the history of zoology and astronomy in antiquity. He also has interests in the history of Classics in the nineteenth century and its influence on the constitution of ancient texts and authorities.


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Aristotle’s Endoxa: Authority and Discipline Formation in Ancient Philosophy and Science


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Time and Its Instruments in Plato’s Timaeus

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

"Reaction and Stasis of the Four Kinds and Their Compounds: Timaeus 57d–61c"

Conference, "Plato’s Timaeus," Ecole Normale Supérieure

"Accepted Norms and Ethical Argumentation in the 5th Century BCE"

Workshop, "Norms of Argument in Ancient Philosophy," Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile

Aristotle’s Analytics

Graduate Course, Brown University