black/ white image of Anne Maria Meister standing in front of a concrete wall

Anna-Maria T. Meister

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)

Anna-Maria Meister is a PhD candidate pursuing a joint degree in the History and Theory of Architecture Program and the Interdisciplinary Humanities Doctoral Program (IHUM) at Princeton University. Her dissertation From Form to Norm: The Systematization of Values in German Design 192x-195x focuses on technical norms and normed objects as projection surfaces for societal desires, investigating their design, production, and dissemination as institutional values in the first half of the twentieth century. Meister holds degrees in architecture from Columbia University and the Technical University of Munich. While maintaining disciplinary specificity in this project about modern Gestaltung (and its morality) at its core, she continuously explores elective affinities to other disciplines and will use her stay as a pre-doctoral fellow at the Max-Planck Institute to situate her work within current research on data, paper, rationality, and its construction as well as histories of epistemologies of knowledge. Her work has been supported by grants and fellowships from the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, DAAD, Columbia University, and Princeton University, among others. Meister’s research was published in Harvard Design Magazine, Volume, Uncube, Baumeister, Arch+ and as a book chapter in Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence (Routledge, 2013), and was featured at the Lisbon Triennial (2013), the 14th Venice Biennial (2014), and the 7th Warsaw "Under Construction" Festival (2015).


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From Form to Norm: The Systematization of Values in German Design


Selected Publications

Meister, A.-M.-T., & Colomina, B. (2015). The radical pedagogies project. Volume, 45.

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Meister, A.-M.-T. (2016). Formatting the modern dream. Harvard Design Magazine, 43, 122-124.

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Meister, A.-M.-T. (2013). Radical remoteness: the HfG Ulm as institution of dissidence. In I. Weizman (Ed.), Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence (pp. 89-102). London: Routledge.

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

"Models of Destruction"

Conference, Annual Conference of the Society of Architecture Historians (SAH)

"Ulm circa 1954: Finding the Right Maßstab for the Good Object"

Colloquium, Bauhaus University, 13th International Bauhaus-Colloquium Dust and Data, Weimar

"Coded Architecture: The Paradox of Control" (Panel-Chair)

Conference, Annual Conference of the Society of Architecture Historians (SAH)

"Probing Technique: Building Research in Architecture's Modernity" (Panel-Chair)

Conference, Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

"Formatting Modern Man: From Octametric System to Lebensgestaltungslehre"

Lecture, Bauhaus University, Invited lecture at the symposium Neufert in Weimar

News & Press

MPIWG researchers and alumni publish Isis Issue focused on the Anthropocene
