Our Max Planck Day in Pictures!
- Sep 18, 2018
- Institute News
- Research Communication and Management
- Hansjakob ZiemerStephanie Hood
As part of “Max Planck Day” on September 14, 2018, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science co-organized a highly successful collaborative journalism project and science slam. Not content with holding events only in Berlin, the MPIWG's Research Scholar Jaromir Balcar also delivered a lecture on the history of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen.
“Nachwuchswissenschaftler treffen auf Nachwuchsjournalisten”
In cooperation with the MPI for Human Development, MPI for Molecular Genetics, and the Electronic Media School (ems) in Potsdam, this one-day event gave the opportunity for researchers and journalists to collaborate and exchange ideas. Junior researchers including Alexander Blum gave three short lectures—“Heisenberg and the Final Theory Program,” “RNA Polymerases: Translator of the Human Genome,” and “Transcriptome Sequencing of Individual Cells”—that were discussed from a journalistic perspective.
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Journalists and researchers are greeted at the beginning of the event. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Press Manager at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Kerstin Skork, introduces journalists and researchers to the event. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

MPIWG Research Group Leader Alex Blum presents on "Heisenberg und die Suche nach einer endgültigen Theorie." Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Andreas Mayer of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics presents on "RNA Polymerasen – Übersetzer des menschlichen Erbguts." Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Nadine Fleischhut, Research Scholar in "Adaptive Rationality" at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, on "Zu schön, um wahr zu sein? – Studien und Statistiken richtig einordnen." Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Kerstin Skork presents a mock MRI scanner to journalists and researchers. The scanner is used to train participants and enable them to become accustomed before their tests take place in the real thing. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Exploring the mock MRI scanner. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Journalists and researchers brainstorm their article ideas together. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Journalists and researchers present their ideas to the group. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.

Journalists and researchers present their ideas to the group. Photo: Artur Krutsch, 2018.
Science Goes Stage! Science Slam
Predoctoral Fellow Teresa Hollerbach did a fantastic job of presenting her research on the Sanctorian Balance in a science slam in collaboration with several other Berlin-based Max Planck Institutes. The venue, Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin, reached full capacity with members of the public and fellow researchers!
Click on the image below to view the photo gallery

Introducing the Science Slam and Chemistry Show for Max Planck Day Berlin. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Slammers from the Berlin Max Planck Institutes prepare to go onstage. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Predoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Teresa Hollerbach, "slams" her research on the Sanctorian balance and the history of human measurement. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Teresa Hollerbach. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Crowds applaud the slammers. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

The audience scores each slammer! Great results for our Predoctoral Fellow Teresa Hollerbach. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Slammers on stage. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Scientists pose before their chemistry show. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Chemistry show. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Explosions... Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Setting up stands for discussion between researchers and visitors. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.

Max Planck Day "hashtags" were left around Berlin to advertize the event. Photo: MPG/Gesine Born.
What was Max Planck Day?
The legacy of physicist Max Planck changed quantum physics, paving the way for the development of new questions and cutting-edge technologies in physics more broadly. Today, at over 80 Max Planck Institutes, researchers of various disciplines continue to exceed the limits of our current knowledge: because, as Max Planck said, “knowledge must precede application.”
The year 2018 marks Planck’s 160th birthday; exactly 100 years ago, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics; and 70 years ago the Max Planck Society—Germany's most successful scientific organization—was founded. To celebrate, the Max Planck Institutes invited the public to take part in “Max Planck Day”—a series of events across Germany on September 14, 2018. Researchers posed open questions to serve as the driving forces behind their research. Events were aimed at anyone interested and curious to learn more; the hashtag #wonachsuchstdu encouraged all visitors to ask their own questions about Max Planck Society research!