
Verena Braun

+49 30 22667 296

Event Recordings

The Institute makes available video recordings of major events taking place at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) and in cooperation with partner institutions.

Rules and Algorithms Online Event

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Commoning Biomedicine Public Launch Event Online Event

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„Wie wir wurden, was wir sind“—75 Jahre Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

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Artifacts, Actions, Knowledge and Irregular Warfare in Latin America Main Conference Room & Online

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Between Convertibility and Perversion: Aviation, Atomic Energy, and the Discourses of Technological Internationalism Main Conference Room & Online

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State-Science-Society: Tangled Ties in China's Plans to Become a Science Superpower Online Event

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Pugwash Scientists: Between Science and Diplomacy in the Cold War Main Conference Room & Online

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Forecasts for Humanity and the Earth. What Knowledge Do We Need to Act Better?

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Were We Ever at Peace? The Irreversible Entanglement of Science, Politics, and Regimes of Knowledge Control Main Conference Room & Online

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Gerda Henkel Award Ceremony 2020

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Accademia Nazionale Di San Luca - Roger Penrose

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Director Jürgen Renn Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Historicizing the Reproducibility Crisis Online Event

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“Can We Trust Science from China?” Observations around the Ascent of a New Power Player Online Event

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Jürgen Renn Receives Honorary Degree from Tel Aviv University

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Historicizing Trust in Medicine Online Event

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A Dialogue on Systemic Racism in Science and Its Institutions Online Event

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99 Questions: Gardens of Empire - On the Politics of Collecting Nature

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A Science Worth Trusting? Platform Capitalism Reorganizes the Science of the Future Online Event

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States, Knowledge, and Borders: Does Trust Make Science International? Online Event

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