Annette Vogt
Emeritus Scholar (Sep 2018–Dec 2024)
Dr., Honorarprofessorin HU Berlin
Annette Vogt studied mathematics and physics at the University of Leipzig, where she earned her Diplom in mathematics (functional analysis), and Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in the history of mathematics. She was a Research Scholar at the Institute for Theory and History of Science of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in Berlin until 1991. From 1992 to 1994, she worked at the Research Center (Forschungsschwerpunkt) of the History of Science in Berlin.
Annette served as President of the Women's Commission of the Division for the History of Science and Technology within the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science (DHST/IUHPS) from 2005 to 2013, and as its Secretary 1997 to 2005. From 2009 to 2013 she was elected as assessor of the Council of the DHST; in 2009 she became a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Moses Mendelssohn Foundation for the Advancement of Humanities (Dessau), in November 2012 as Member of the Scientific Board of the European Society for History of Science (ESHS) and in December 2012 as a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of the History of Science (IAHS). In July 2013 she was elected as Assistant Secretary General of the Council of the DHST. In December 2014 Annette was appointed Honorary Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
Annette’s research focus is the history of science and mathematics, especially in Germany, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her research interests are also the history of Jewish scientists in Europe, and the history of female scientists in Europe, both from comparative perspectives. In her current research project she investigate the development of statistics between mathematics and social sciences (economy, insurance sciences).
At the Front Door? Women Scientists at the Humboldt University, 1946–1961
History of Mathematics and Science in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in Germany
History of Statistics at the Berlin University and the Berlin School of Economics (Handels-Hochschule), from 1860 until 1960
Selected Publications
Härdle, Wolfgang Karl and Annette Vogt (2015). “Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz - statistician, economist and a European intellectual.” International Statistical Review 83 (1): 17–35.
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Vogt, Annette (2015). “Anneliese Maier (1905-1971) zwischen der Bibliotheca Hertziana und dem Campo Santo Teutonico.” In Orte der Zuflucht und personeller Netzwerke : der Campo Santo Teutonico und der Vatikan 1933-1955, ed. M. Matheus and S. Heid, 94–122. Freiburg: Herder Verlag.
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Tobies, Renate and Annette Vogt (2014). “Women researchers in industrial laboratories : trends and perspectives.” In Women in industrial research, ed. R. Tobies and A. Vogt, 1–24. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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Vogt, Annette (2013). Archivführer zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Berlin: BibSpider Verlag.
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Vogt, Annette (2013). “Anneliese Maier und die Bibliotheca Hertziana.” In 100 Jahre Bibliotheca Hertziana : Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte ; die Geschichte des Instituts 1913-2013. Vol. 1, ed. S. Ebert-Schifferer, 116–121. München: Hirmer.
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Vogt, Annette (2013). “Anneliese Maier und Liselotte Richter : zwei Wissenschaftlerinnen in der Leibniz-Edition der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.” In “Leibniz” in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, ed. W. Li and H. Rudolph, 87–104. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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Vogt, Annette (2012). “Vom Wiederaufbau der Berliner Universität bis zum Universitäts-Jubiläum 1960.” In Geschichte der Universität unter den Linden. Vol. 3: Sozialistisches Experiment und Erneuerung in der Demokratie - die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1945-2010, ed. K. H. Jarausch, M. Middell, and A. Vogt, 125–250. Berlin: Akademie-Verl.
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Vogt, Annette (2012). “From Exclusion to Acceptance, from Acceptance to Persecution (pp. 11-30); Berlin (pp. 44-54); Academic Anti-Semitism (pp. 197-212); Dismissal and Exile (pp. 213-240).” In Transcending Tradition. Jewish Mathematicians in German-Speaking Academic Culture, ed. B. Bergmann. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
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Vogt, Annette (2010). “Die Ehrenpromotionen der Humboldt-Universität von 1947 bis 1960/68.” In Die Humboldt-Universität Unter den Linden 1945 bis 1990. Zeitzeugen - Einblicke - Analysen, ed. W. Girnus, 107–127. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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Vogt, Annette (2010). “Barrieren und Karrieren - am Beispiel der Wissenschaftlerinnen in Instituten der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft.” In Frauen in der Wissenschaft - Frauen an der TU Dresden : Tagung aus Anlass der Zulassung von Frauen zum Studium in Dresden vor 100 Jahren, ed. H. Küllchen, S. Koch, B. Schober, and S. Schötz, 161–179. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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Vogt, Annette (2008). Wissenschaftlerinnen in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten : A-Z. 2., erweiterte Aufl. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ; 12. Berlin: Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
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Vogt, Annette (2007). Vom Hintereingang zum Hauptportal? : Lise Meitner und ihre Kolleginnen an der Berliner Universität und in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Pallas Athene ; 17. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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Vogt, Annette (2006). “Das Forscher-Ehepaar Timoféeff-Ressovsky im Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Hirnforschung in Berlin (1925 bis 1945) und in der UdSSR.” Acta Historica Leopoldina 46: 247–266.
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Vogt, Annette (2012). Die Berliner Humboldt-Universität von 1945/1946 bis 1960/1961. Berlin: MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint 425.
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Vogt, Annette (2008). “Bemühungen um eine mathematische Ökonomie : ein Brief von Robert Remak an Emil Julius Gumbel.” In Kosmos und Zahl : Beiträge zur Mathematik- und Astronomiegeschichte, zu Alexander von Humboldt und Leibniz, ed. H. Hecht, R. Mikosch, I. Schwarz, H. Siebert, and R. Werther, 411–422. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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