
Shih-Pei Chen

Senior Research Scholar (Since 2014)


Shih-Pei Chen is a digital humanities specialist with a focus on digital historical research and Digital Sinology. She is a computer scientist by training and has been working with historians to develop digital research applications and methodologies for more than fifteen years. She is currently Senior Research Scholar and IT Researcher at the Institute, and is leading projects that range from research-oriented digital tool development (Local Gazetteers Research Tools; LoGaRT), geospatial and visual analysis (CHMap), to technical research infrastructure development (RISE & SHINE) and new forms of publishing historical datasets (Digital Concordances). She also serves on various editorial, advisory, and reviewing boards for journals, conferences, research projects, and funding agencies in the field of Digital Humanities.



Current Projects

Common Knowledge and Its Sources in the Sinosphere
Cosmological Knowledge in Late Imperial China
Source-Based Initiatives

Completed Projects

Fenye in Local Gazetteers
Local Gazetteers
Mapping Drugs
Drugs in Asia
Rare Local Gazetteers Collection
Research Infrastructure for the Study of Eurasia (RISE)
Digital Tools
The WebGIS Platform of Historical Maps of China
“Tu” in Local Gazetteers

Selected Publications

Tsai, Yun-Cheng and Shih-Pei Chen (2024). “Bridging Literature and Code: Empowering Students to Explore Digital Humanities Through Generative AI.” In Innovative Technologies and Learning: 7th International Conference, ICITL 2024, Tartu, Estonia,…

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Chen, Shih-Pei (2024). “Fenye by the Numbers: A Quantitative Analysis of Astrological Contents in Chinese Local Gazetteers.” HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology 18 (1): 6–30.

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Chen, Jhe-An, Jen-Chien Hou, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Hsiung-Ming Liao, Shih-Pei Chen, and Ming-Ching Chang (2024). “Image Classification for Historical Documents: A Study on Chinese Local Gazetteers.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 39 (1): 61…

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Che, Qun, Nungyao Lin, Shih-Pei Chen, and Calvin Yeh (2023). “Link Visions Together: Visualizing Geographies of Late Qing and Republican China.” In Digital Humanities 2023: Book of Abstracts. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023), Graz, Austria, ed…

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

The 6th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2015, Taipei, Taiwan


Conference "Scales of Knowledge: Zooming in and out," Heidelberg, Germany

Digital Humanities Conference 2015, University of Western Sydney, Australia

"Historical Method and Computerized Data Collection and Analysis"

Workshop, Chinese Local Gazetteers (地方志), MPIWG, Berlin, Germany

Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference (AAS 2015), Chicago, USA

Crossover & Transformation: The 5th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2014, Taipei, Taiwan

Annual Meeting for the History of Science Society, (HSS), Chicago, USA

International Workshop on Digital Sinology and Taiwan Studies, Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Conference on Quantitative Approaches in the Humanities, Hanover, Germany

Digital Humanities Conference 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland