Max Planck Partner Group (2024-2028)

Daily Practices of Cosmological Knowledge in Late Imperial China (1368–1911)

This project studies processes of localizing and socializing imperial cosmology in Late Imperial China. Focusing on local writings, it elucidates how the Chinese state and the elite community, who emphasized universal theories and standards, anchored knowledge, related to theories about the dynamics of the cosmos to local geography, economy, and culture, thus integrating them into daily life. Our research takes a step away from a former positivist view that assumed that the best theory conforms to reality. We question whether a simple assumption of the relationship between theory and practice can adequately describe and explain the process of localization of imperial cosmology. More than one relationship dynamic can be discerned, when one considers that imperial cosmology had to be adapted to conform to the actual conditions and needs of each region before it was accepted by the locals, while the actors in the locality could use their knowledge of imperial cosmology to integrate themselves into imperial politics. Using specific cases we test the capabilities and limitations of positivist historical interpretation and discuss the possible diversification of cosmology at the local level under the imperial auspice.


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