External Advisors
This Research Group is complemented by an interdisciplinary board of external advisors, including:
Peter Adamson (LMU Munich), Dong Xiu Yuang (Shandong University), Steven Harvey (Bar-Ilan University), Roberto Hofmeister Pich (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), Luís Lopez-Farjeat (UP Mexico), José Meirinhos (Universidade do Porto), Yosef Schwartz (Cohn Institute, Tel Aviv University), Loris Sturlese (Università del Salento), and Richard Taylor (Marquette University).
We work in close collaboration with the following existing research projects:
- Heirs of Avicenna and Natur in politischen Ordnungsentwürfen (both LMU Munich)
- Animal Rationale Mortale, Petrus Hispanus medicus, and From Data to Wisdom (Universidade do Porto)
- Aquinas and “the Arabs” International Working Group
- Making Mysticism (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) (completed)