Institute's Bibliography (PuRe) Team

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Scholars of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) have a strong book publication record, with output including individual publications, group collaborations, and edited volumes. Our Working Group books are volumes written by two or more authors as the result of intensive collaboration, and are a particular specialty of the Institute.



Edited Book

Guidobaldo del Monte (1545–1607): Theory and Practice of the Mathematical Disciplines from Urbino to Europe

Guidobaldo Marquis dal Monte has long been identified as a key figure in the history of the mathematical disciplines in the Renaissance. The contributions brought together in this volume examine all the key aspects of the Marquis dal Monte’s activities, ranging from mechanics and the science of perspective to architecture and geometry.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Beyond the Academy: Histories of Gender and Knowledge

These essays examine overlooked agents and sites of knowledge production beyond the academy and venues of industry- and government-sponsored research. By using gender as a category of analysis, they uncover scientific practices taking place in locations such as the kitchen, the nursery, and the storefront.

Edited Book

Translating Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries

Knowledge of nature may be common to all of humanity, yet it is written in many tongues. However, as the contributors to this volume show, translation is always a transformation. The book "Translating knowledge in the early modern Low Countries" examines how such transformations generate new knowledge and how translations helped to establish a new science.


Metallurgy, Ballistics and Epistemic Instruments: the Nova Scientia of Nicolò Tartaglia – a New Edition

In 1537, Tartaglia, a mathematician from Brescia, published 'Nova scientia'. It was this work that led to the foundation of the modern science of ballistics. Tartaglia’s intention was to create a purely mathematical science based on axioms, which was fundamental to the entire subject of mechanics.

Edited Book

Philippe de la Hire: Entre Science et Architecture

Personnage fascinant et polymorphe, Philippe de La Hire a été cartographe du royaume à l'Académie royale des sciences, s'est intéressé à l'hydraulique, à la gnomonique, à la physiologie, à la botanique et à l'astronomie à l'Observatoire de Paris où il fut nommé.


The Transatlantic World of Higher Education: Americans at German Universities, 1776–1914

Between the 1760s and 1914, thousands of young Americans crossed the Atlantic to enroll in German-speaking universities, but what was it like to be an American in, for instance, Halle, Heidelberg, Göttingen, or Leipzig?

Edited Book

L’automate: Modèle, Métaphore, Machine, Merveille

Si la figure de Vaucanson, à quelques exceptions près, n'est pas directement l'objet des analyses ici rassemblées, elle n’en inspire pas moins le propos général de l’ouvrage.


Welteis: eine wahre Geschichte

Spätestens als 1969 die ersten Menschen den Mond betraten, konnte es keinen Zweifel mehr geben: Der Trabant bestand nicht aus Eis, wie der österreichische Maschineningenieur Hanns Hörbiger behauptet hatte. Erstmals wird die schillernde Geschichte dieser kosmologischen Theorie erzählt.

Edited Book

Ad fontes ! Niederländische Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts in Quellen

Traktate, Notizen und Quellen, in denen über den Status von Bildlichkeit und über Prozesse visueller Wahrnehmung gesprochen wird, stehen im Fokus dieser Publikation, in der bild- und kunsttheoretisch relevante Begriffe anhand von Fallbeispielen dargestellt und diskutiert werden.


Archivführer zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Das Buch gibt eine detaillierte Übersicht über die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vorhandenen Archive zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Es ist als Ratgeber gedacht für Interessierte an der Geschichte der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften sowie der Geschichte wissenschaftlicher Institutionen.


Kant’s Construction of Nature: a Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science

Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science is one of the most difficult but also most important of Kant's works. Friedman's book develops a new and complete reading of this work and reconstructs Kant's main argument clearly and in great detail, explaining its relationship to both Newton's Principia and eighteenth-century scientific thinkers such as Euler and Lambert.


Subjectivity in Motion: Life, Art, and Movement in the Work of Hermann Rorschach

The motif of human movement has long been understood as central to Hermann Rorschach's strikingly innovative inkblot experiment. But owing to Rorschach's untimely death a year after publishing his famous work, Psychodiagnostics, the world has lacked an adequate understanding of how he came to put so much stress on human movement in his unique perceptual theory.

Edited Book

Michael Hißmann (1752–1784): ein materialistischer Philosoph der deutschen Aufklärung

Michael Hißmann gehört zu den großen Unbekannten der deutschsprachigen Spätaufklärung in den 1770er und 1780er Jahren. Diese Position gründet vor allem in der materialistischen Konzeption, die der Philosoph im Kontext der Göttinger empiristischen Schule entwarf.

Edited Book

The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy

The "Mechanisation of Natural Philosophy" is devoted to various aspects of the transformation of natural philosophy during the 16th and 17th centuries that is usually described as mechanical philosophy. Drawing the border between the old Aristotelianism and the "new" mechanical philosophy faces historians with a delicate task, if not an impossible mission.


Greening Berlin: The Co-Production of Science, Politics, and Urban Nature

Although nature conservation has traditionally focused on the countryside, issues of biodiversity protection also appear on the political agendas of many cities. One of the emblematic examples of this now worldwide trend has been the German city of Berlin, where, since the 1970s, urban planning has been complemented by a systematic policy of "biotope protection".

Edited Book

From Earth-Bound to Satellite: Telescopes, Skills and Networks

Marking the anniversary of the telescope 's invention, these collected essays highlight a number of significant historical episodes concerning this well-loved instrument, which has played a crucial role in Man 's thinking about his position literally and philosophically in the universe.


Das physikalische Prinzip: der epistemologische Status physikalischer Weltbetrachtung

Das Buch versteht sich als Beitrag zur Naturphilosophie, indem es den erkenntnistheoretischen Status der Physik untersucht. Die hier skizzierte epistemologische Verfaßtheit der Physik erfordert es, die Welt unter der Form des Objekts zu fassen, wodurch sich die Physik grundlegend von der Philosophie unterscheidet und der Übergang von einem zum anderen unvermittelt nicht möglich ist.


Strategie Verständigung: zur transnationalen Vernetzung von Akademikerinnen 1917-1955

In den düstersten Tagen des Ersten Weltkriegs formierte sich ein neues akademisches Netzwerk mit einem hochgesteckten Ziel: Eine länderübergreifende weibliche Bildungselite sollte für die Verständigung der Völker eintreten und gleichzeitig ihr eigenes wissenschaftliches Fortkommen international befördern.


A History of the Electron: J. J. and G. P. Thomson

Two landmarks in the history of physics are the discovery of the particulate nature of cathode rays (the electron) by J. J. Thomson in 1897 and the experimental demonstration by his son G. P. Thomson in 1927 that the electron exhibits the properties of a wave.
Together, the Thomsons are two of the most significant figures in modern physics, both winning Nobel prizes for their work.


Europe’s Green Revolution and Others since: The Rise and Fall of Peasant-Friendly Plant Breeding

How best to foster agricultural development in the Third World has long been a subject of debate and from a European perspective the persistent failure to design peasant-friendly technology is puzzling. From the late 19th century, for example, various western European countries also underwent ‘green revolutions’ in which systematic attempts were made to promote the adoption of technological innovation by peasant-farmers.