Computational humanities present a multidisciplinary challenge and can only be pursued when researchers from varying disciplines cooperate with infrastructure providers. For the development of new tools and methods, the Department closely collaborates with the Digital Innovation Group headed by Manfred Laubichler and Julia Damerow at Arizona State University. The Department also supports a European and national cooperation to set up a digital infrastructure for the arts and humanities (DARIAH). The Department leads a cluster within DARIAH that focuses on the usability of tools for research and in particular on the role of new forms of digital publication (Klaus Thoden). The Department also chairs one of the Virtual Competence Centers (VCC) of the European umbrella organization DARIAH-EU (Dirk Wintergrün). On the local level, members of the Department are involved in efforts to coordinate common digital developments as in the Interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund for Digital Humanities (ifDH).